A quick trip on the subway took us to the Natural History Museum. (Sorry for the thumb in the photo.)

Earlier this spring we watch the movie “Night at the Museum” to prepare for the trip. Jack was excited to see some of the sights from the movie. The museum wasn’t exactly like in the movie. Either they have made major changes to the layout in the last few years, or the movie set designers didn’t feel the need to replicate it very precisely. Despite that, Jack had fun hunting for things he recognized.

Jack had a lot of anxiety on the trip. He was sure we would be hit by a hurricane or flood or the buildings would fall over (he doesn’t yet know about any real terror attacks that have occurred in the city – I skipped that part of NYC history). He was convinced this whale model would fall down. Now that he has “survived” I hope he enjoys looking at the pictures of it.

His favorite part of the museum was the Tiger displays. He did a school report on Bengal Tigers and has been in love with them ever since.

We walked out of the museum into torrential downpour. Instead of exploring Central Park as planned, we scurried to a nearby Shake Shack for lunch, then took the subway back to midtown to meet-up with the rest of the family.

This was my theater day. Dad volunteered to rest at the hotel with Jack while I went with the rest to see In and Of Itself. But first, there’s always time for snacks! The rain had stopped enough to sit outside in Union Square.

The show was a one-man-show about identity told in a series of stories and magic tricks, more like an essay than a narrative performance. I was underwhelmed by the written part, but he had an amazing memory and great slight-of-hand tricks.

Dinner at a BBQ place in Times Square. Delicious, copious amounts of food! Jack enjoyed his root beer float, then took a snooze as the meal ended.

After dinner I got to see ANOTHER show! This was Anastasia, based on the animated movie from 1997. They (wisely) took out the villain Rasputin and all the mystical parts of the story, and also beefed up the historical context. The music and costumes were gorgeous. I absolutely loved it.

Another late night – I couldn’t believe Jack and my parents were still awake when we got back to the hotel!

(Bonus picture from the second day I forgot to post. Thanks, whichever sibling took it!)

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