What’s for dinner?

Black bean burgers with potato salad. Jamaican Me Crazy chili. Yummy, with lots of leftovers.

My attempt to recreate my dinner in SF. Creamy tomato sauce with peas and sausage. It was tasty, but not as divine as I remembered. Ben said I must have forgot to put the crack in it. (which I would non-jokingly translate as veal stock and butter)

Moroccan squash and chickpea soup from Mark Bittman’s international cookbook. I also made crackers (in his big yellow book) and sun-dried tomato cream cheese dip.


  1. fantasticterrific

    Can you please give me the recipe for black bean burgers? I’m beginning to tire of Boca…Thx,-ft

  2. eaumaison

    This is a recipe similar to the one that I use. I make lots of little seasoning variations on the fly, but this is the basic process. I find baking them is faster and easier than frying or grilling.http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Homemade-Black-Bean-Veggie-Burgers/Detail.aspx

  3. eaumaison

    crap. comments don’t show urls that well. Just search for “black bean burgers” on allrecipes.com. The third one that’s “homemade” is what I linked to.

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