Author: eaumaison (Page 99 of 207)
Boy, it’s nice to be home with my family. Ben and Jack still have colds, but I still enjoy their company. I don’t know how I missed the cold, considering Jack gave me two sneezes in my face at point blank range, and I give him kisses all over every night. Luck of the draw.
After the fun of Halloween we didn’t do much. I knocked a few major items off my To Do list. I printed some photos. I planned meals and bought groceries. I gave Jack a long overdue haircut. It did not go well. Here’s a screen shot my folks took when we were done. I had a movie on the iPad, grandparents on the iPhone, and a lollipop for both hands, but he still cried like I was torturing him. But the biggest check-off on my list was cleaning out my dryer according to these instructions. I pulled fistfuls of lint out the vent. My bathrooms may still be filthy, but my dryer vents are gorgeous!
Last night Amanda came over and we worked on Christmas ornaments, as she posted. It was cozy, quiet work, but really fun. I might even call her to do it again today. Maybe while Jack naps, so we can claim the TV to watch QI.
I have come to accept the fact that I’m the Safeco Insurance Lady. Better just embrace it.
Here’s what we ate today that didn’t come out of a bucket. Pumpkin pancakes with Jack O’ Lantern faces for breakfast.
The Fancy Tiger blog showed me that there was a new pie shop in Denver. What what? I immediately called Brian and invoked him on an exploration excursion.
Jack and I shared a banana cream pie while Brian ordered a breakfast burrito pie slice. The review from Jack in the above image is pretty much my reaction too. I bought a savory beef pie to eat later.
It was a super long, fun day. Jack was a real trooper, considering his cold. By the time we got to Chipotle for their $2 burrito-if-you-are-in-costume deal, he was wearing out.
After dinner and neighborhood trick-or-treating I curled up with him under a quilt and we watched It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. He thought Snoopy was hilarious. A good teeth brushing, and then I tucked him in bed. I could hear him over the monitor recounting the night as he fell asleep, “Rocket….candy….pumpkin…rocket….” That pretty much sums it up.

The boys took a break to ride the kiddie Merry Go Round
And to watch a spooky railroad set.
This image captures the moment Jack realized Wolfie was EATING a piece of bucket candy.
(I love Amanda’s Formal Complaint costume)
Doesn’t this image sum it up? Suckers in mouth, Wolfie checking out his friend’s bucket.
Once the suckers came out, it was hard to keep the boys focused on the task of acquiring more. They are a “live for the moment” type of creature.
Luckily we were almost done.
Our pumpkins at home.
I took Jack out to a few friendly neighbors on our block. We ran into the Larsons! April did an amazing job on all their costumes.
Still zooming.
Brian’s house was super spooky, as expected. Organ music, strobe lights, a fog machine, and lots of decorations. A great way to end the night.
Jack has been talking about rockets a lot this month, so that’s what I made for his costume this year.
I struggled with the attached wings and booster rocket rig. I should have attached the rocket pack directly to the shirt so the straps didn’t pull up his shirt all day. By the end of the night I clipped the wings off so the straps could fit backpack style. That would have been a good fix too. Oh well, live and learn.
Pictures were tricky because he looks down when walking through leaves. Also he has a cold:
So his energy was low all day. But we got a few good shots 🙂
Ben dressed as the Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time. I was a plain old witch.
After some launches, Jack wanted to play hide and seek. We played one round, then got ready to trick-or-treat.
We had a blast this weekend with my parents visiting for Amanda’s birthday. We picked pumpkins on a farm, ate lots of delicious food, and shopped till Jack dropped. But I haven’t uploaded photos yet.
I wanted to pop on the blog though. Just an update on how Jack is doing, which is great! For a slow talker, he is really blossoming now. Tons of verbs and nouns, some pronouns even, and he is dappling in conjugation. He will imitate any word you give him. He makes three word sentences. He knows his numbers and letters. I hate to say it, but I think TV taught him to read letters. Out of no where he started to name them. Then I watched some Super Why! with him after Paige finally translated for me. I kept hearing him ask for “Shoop Aye!” Now it’s “Shooper Why!” Anyway, that show is all about letters and making words, so I guess that’s where he picked them up. Now I have him read letters to me everywhere we see them. Again, I have some video but it’s not up yet.
He knows ALL the animals. Seriously. He knows the colors. He follows two step commands. He can wash his hands all by himself (water on, rinse, soap, rinse, water off, towel dry, hang towel, light off, door shut). He can balance on one foot. He can turn on tablets and select the next episode he wants when one finishes (and I already told him it was the last one, the little stinker). He still can’t jump with two feet off the ground. He swallows his toothpaste. He helps put his clothes on but can’t do it by himself yet. But boy, have the last few months been crazy for growth! Two and four months is very different than two.
I started a sticker chart to help him be more responsible. We hope to work towards potty training soon, and this is a preliminary step to that.
I posted this today and explained it to him. Now I hear him wander over there and read off the pictures “toys…eat….POOP!”
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