Boy, it’s nice to be home with my family.  Ben and Jack still have colds, but I still enjoy their company.  I don’t know how I missed the cold, considering Jack gave me two sneezes in my face at point blank range, and I give him kisses all over every night.  Luck of the draw.

After the fun of Halloween we didn’t do much.  I knocked a few major items off my To Do list.  I printed some photos.  I planned meals and bought groceries.  I gave Jack a long overdue haircut.  It did not go well.  Here’s a screen shot my folks took when we were done.  I had a movie on the iPad, grandparents on the iPhone, and a lollipop for both hands, but he still cried like I was torturing him.  But the biggest check-off on my list was cleaning out my dryer according to these instructions.  I pulled fistfuls of lint out the vent.  My bathrooms may still be filthy, but my dryer vents are gorgeous!

Last night Amanda came over and we worked on Christmas ornaments, as she posted.  It was cozy, quiet work, but really fun.  I might even call her to do it again today.  Maybe while Jack naps, so we can claim the TV to watch QI.

I have come to accept the fact that I’m the Safeco Insurance Lady.  Better just embrace it.