Author: eaumaison (Page 88 of 207)

Sam is One Month Old

My baby is one month old today. 

Sam at One Month Old

I’ve been writing about him a lot, so I don’t have much more to add.  He’s beautiful.  He’s a good baby.  He went 4.5 hours of sleeping last night.  He’s a big guy and has outgrown several outfits already.  He takes a bottle just fine.  He likes his pacifier but doesn’t need to keep it in while sleeping.  He smiles at us more every day. 

Sam at One Month Old

Sam at One Month Old

Sam at One Month Old

Sam at One Month Old

Sam at One Month Old

Sam at One Month Old

I love you, Sam.  Welcome to the family! 

(Jack photo-bombed this one and insisted I take his picture before I could resume)
Sam at One Month Old

Sam at One Month Old

Weekend Visitors

This weekend my parents came to visit the kids.  Andy and Jenn came too, to get a break from Salt Lake, meet Sam and the new house, and celebrate Andy’s birthday.  Sadly Amanda had to spend most of the weekend on a speech meet.  But she was able to join us today for Sam’s blessing and to open birthday presents as her day is next Saturday.

I gladly welcomed the help holding, soothing, burping, and changing Sam and entertaining Jack.  My folks also babysat so we could go to a movie at the Alamo.  Once again, I didn’t really want to see it (Gravity) but the allure of the theater pulls me there.

4 weeks old

4 weeks old








October rolls along

Not much to say.  Just some photos and captions.  I’m trying to nap and sleep more.  Sam regularly gets a 3 hour stretch each night.  Last night he even went 4 hours!  He still has a fierce diaper rash that is starting to get sores.  We went on a mini-hunt last night for the heavy duty butt paste. 

Jack seems happy enough, although I feel guilty about how much less attention I can give him now.  Maybe he sees the increase in TV and game time as a fair trade.  I did manage to go on a playdate with some friends yesterday.  Erin has a girl, Nora, who is Jack’s age, and her Henry was born the same weekend as Sam.  We were pretty proud of ourselves for getting out.  Stupid Jumpstreet had seasonal hours and were closed when we got there.  But we had fun at the Apex jungle gym instead. 

Besides that: a lot of errands, rocking the bouncer, chocolate milk, and breast milk. 

Onto photos!

This is how to play Grand Theft Auto with a baby. 
Story Time with Jack and Sam. 
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes! (Obviously Sam was coincidental) 
Tummy time fail
I got a batch of Warby Parker glasses to try out.  All I can see are bags under my eyes.
First successful nap in the crib.
Sam was staring intently at my face last night.  It was fun, until I started obsessing over a weird bleb on his right eye.  After trying to capture it in a photo for my dad I gave up.  He’ll be here this weekend to see in person, and it will probably wash away by then anyway. 
Taken on different days, same pose. 
Tummy time win!
This is the sign of a good breakfast. 

Adults Only

Amanda generously offered her babysitting services for us today and I was quick to accept.  I’ve been clinging to this date all week.  A couple hours out of the house, just me and Ben, with no kids’ meals, no car seats, no whining, no wiping bottoms, no crying, no pacifying – sign me up!

We had lunch at a relatively new bar in the Baker neighborhood called Punch Bowl Social.  I hear it’s crazy nuts to get in during the popular times.  Lunch was deserted.  We had great service and enjoyed the food, despite piddly reviews online.   (A review of the Portland location called it “Applebee’s-esque.”  Dude, what kind of Applebee’s do you have in Oregon?)  I’m a sucker for the hipster design PBS subscribes to: lots of antlers, exposed brick, bare bulbs, chandeliers, rich upholstery, and mason jar cups.  The red curtains made me think of the Alamo wistfully (can’t wait to go back there). 

First date awayFirst date away

First date away
Deviled Eggs
Organic eggs, tartar sauce, sea salt, espelette, coffee bacon jam, mixed greens

First date away

The Fall Guy
Red Delicious apple, celery, cardamom syrup

First date away

Fried Catfish Sandwich
Fried Old Bay dusted catfish, jalapeño slaw, heirloom tomato, purple onion, sesame bun, French fries
PBS Club Sandwich
Tender Belly ham, Tender belly bacon, seared chicken, turkey, Havarti dill cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, dijonnaise, toasted sourdough, French fries

The food wasn’t amazing – we suspect the tomatoes were not truly heirloom.  But I enjoyed everything thoroughly.*   I would definitely go back there so long as it’s not crowded.  The whole place is cool, with bowling, darts, shuffleboard, and an array of arcade cabinets and pinball.  Ben dropped a few quarters 🙂

A quick call to Amanda let us know the boys were ok and we could stay out a little longer.  We popped in Fancy Tiger to browse and chat with Jaime.  There’s extra spin nights every night next week.  Maybe I can make it to one.  I haven’t spun yarn in ages!  There were no less than three items I wanted to buy, but I resisted temptation.  Between Halloween and Christmas I must stay focused on already planned projects!

Then we wandered up and down Broadway, killing time until the ice cream shop opened. 
First date away

Thank you so much, Amanda!  We had a fabulous date!

*Things I love about not being pregnant:

  • Eating deli sandwiches
  • Eating bacon
  • Sleeping on my back
  • Sleeping on my side
  • Sleeping on my stomach
  • Picking things off the ground
  • Fitting in my shower
  • Holding my pee for hours

Sam is 3 weeks old

Sam at 3 weeks

I remarked to Ben that Sam was three weeks old today.  Overhearing us from the backseat, Jack piped up “Sam is three?  He is the same age me was!”  We explained weeks versus years, but he was still tickled that they were both three.

Sam is growing heartily.  (Why do all romper-makers think babies have stumpy legs?  I know my boys are long, but the body fits!  Why are the legs all capri length?)

Sam at 3 weeks

He really is a good baby too.  He has a nightly fuss starting at 7:30.  But I can manage it easily and it doesn’t last the hours that I recall it lasting with Jack.  In general he behaves better than I expect a newborn to behave.  Sam is awake for about an hour at a time, then he naps for 1-2 hours.  At night he goes back to sleep rather quickly with a swaddle and a couple minutes of rocking.
Sam at 3 weeks

Sam can turn himself from his back to his side.  He hasn’t flipped all the way back to front yet, but there have been times I thought he would.  He can hold his head up while sitting for several seconds.  Even longer if he’s having a gassy fit 😉  He already lifts his head a little during tummy time.  (Jack LOVES “tummy time.”  I think he likes anything “time.”  He gets down on the blanket with Sam and mimics him, or pretends to swim, or does what he thinks are exercise moves.)
Sam at 3 weeks

Today was a nice day.  Ben worked from home, so I got to see him periodically.  I signed up Jack for some dance and art classes.   That will be fun when they start in a couple weeks.

Today we had our first snow!  I like to make Belgian waffles on the first snow of every year.
Sam at 3 weeks

Jack was sad the snow wasn’t enough to make snowballs, and was melted by 10 AM.
Sam at 3 weeks

But it was still a lovely October day.  We went for a walk around the neighborhood before going out to lunch with Ben.  (He’s trying to make a funny face.  Most of my photos are some variation of this now.) 
Sam at 3 weeks

During quiet time I cleaned dishes and gave Sam a bath.  After Ben and I finished work and Jack woke up we went to Cherry Creek mall.  Sadly, the play area was torn up for renovations.  So Ben and Jack went to a toy store and bought hoodies at H&M while Sam and I browsed the Janie and Jack store.  I indulged in a cute romper for Sam to wear for his blessing.  We all met up for pizza then went home for a quiet evening. 

Two more Samigrams, just because of the cuteness.  
Sam at 3 weeks

Sam at 3 weeks

Quiet days

Sam surprised me by sleeping through the morning!  He usually wakes up every hour after 4 AM.  Instead last night he went from 4:30 to 7:15!  So I was able to sleep in three segments – 3, 2, and 3 hours.

I don’t have much else to say.  Here’s some photos!

Baby details


Jack having fun at the Apex Center jungle gym


Miranda sent us a care package with adorable booties, moccasins, and returned this toy rack for his bouncer that Cedar had borrowed. 


He’s actually batting it a little this morning!


Sam’s First Bath

Sam seemed in a good mood after I put Jack to nap.  I took advantage of the moment to give him his first real bath.  It was a total success!  He didn’t even get close to tears.  I think he might have enjoyed it even.  Now he smells deliciously of clean baby and chamomile.  I gave him a small meal and he fell into a deep sleep – two hours ago.  Rock on.

Lots of baby photos here.  

Sam's first bath

Sam's first bath

Sam's first bath

Sam's first bath

Sam's first bath

Sam's first bath

Sam's first bath

Sam's first bath

Sam's first bath

On My Own

Ben went back to work today.  It’s hard handling the two kids by myself, but refreshing in a way.  A return to normalcy.

Poor Jack is learning he has to share me now.  Trouble came when I was feeding Sam and Jack whacked his hip into a table, bursting in tears.  Hard to comfort when my lap was full.  Then he went upstairs to go #2, and had to wait while I finished feeding Sam.  Then Sam had to sit in a dirty diaper while I took care of Jack.  Taking turns is for more than just toys. 

Sam’s cord came off this morning!  I’m glad, because sponge baths are terrible.  This stinky boy needs a gentle soak.  Maybe tomorrow.  My to do list is full for today:
-Jack’s Laundry
-Sam’s Laundry
-Take a shower
-Slow cooker dinner
-Story Time
-Make lunches
-Pay bills
-Work from home stuff

I’m proud to say things are right on schedule, with only the last two items undone.  The shower was probably the hardest to accomplish, but I got it done.  Even dried my hair afterward!  But I might crash and take a nap during Jack’s quiet time.  Sam had trouble getting back to sleep last night, so I only got an hour at a time, maybe 4 hour total.

Here’s pictures from story time today.

Returning books
Story time with two

Checking the frog box for today’s theme
Story time with two

Waiting to start
Story time with two


Story time with twoStory time with twoStory time with two

And bonus picture of smiling brothers from yesterday

Two weeks old

Two weeks old
 I wish today had been a better day.  Sam was up at night screaming, trying to poop.  I stayed home with him in my PJs while Ben and Jack went to the science museum on this rainy day.  I didn’t do much but feed Sam, try unsuccessfully to nap, and finish all of How I Met Your Mother on Netflix. 

Also, a lot of postpartum symptoms came raging back unexpectedly.  This is disappointing, because I’ve been feeling really good the last few days and thought I was well on the path to health.  Fingers crossed that Sam sleeps better tomorrow and I can be in a better mood.

He’s still pretty stinkin’ cute though.

Two weeks oldTwo weeks oldTwo weeks old

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