Not much to say.  Just some photos and captions.  I’m trying to nap and sleep more.  Sam regularly gets a 3 hour stretch each night.  Last night he even went 4 hours!  He still has a fierce diaper rash that is starting to get sores.  We went on a mini-hunt last night for the heavy duty butt paste. 

Jack seems happy enough, although I feel guilty about how much less attention I can give him now.  Maybe he sees the increase in TV and game time as a fair trade.  I did manage to go on a playdate with some friends yesterday.  Erin has a girl, Nora, who is Jack’s age, and her Henry was born the same weekend as Sam.  We were pretty proud of ourselves for getting out.  Stupid Jumpstreet had seasonal hours and were closed when we got there.  But we had fun at the Apex jungle gym instead. 

Besides that: a lot of errands, rocking the bouncer, chocolate milk, and breast milk. 

Onto photos!

This is how to play Grand Theft Auto with a baby. 
Story Time with Jack and Sam. 
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes! (Obviously Sam was coincidental) 
Tummy time fail
I got a batch of Warby Parker glasses to try out.  All I can see are bags under my eyes.
First successful nap in the crib.
Sam was staring intently at my face last night.  It was fun, until I started obsessing over a weird bleb on his right eye.  After trying to capture it in a photo for my dad I gave up.  He’ll be here this weekend to see in person, and it will probably wash away by then anyway. 
Taken on different days, same pose. 
Tummy time win!
This is the sign of a good breakfast. 