Staying home most of the day, every day, was getting boring for us.  I proposed a quick visit to the zoo and Jack jumped on board.  It was going to be another 90 degree day, but the morning was clouded over so I hoped it wouldn’t be too bad.

I’m 39 1/2 weeks pregnant, with a due date on Monday (they kept switching between Tuesday and Monday, now they are sticking with the earlier one).  My last visit has me optimistic I might actually go into labor on my own, because I was dilated to 3 cm!  If you will recall, I never dilated beyond a 1 with Jack, even up to the night I was induced.

Walking is supposed to help start labor, and I certainly gave it my best attempt today.  We spent 1 1/2 hours walking the zoo, enjoying the small crowds now that school has started up.  Jack wanted to see pelicans, monkeys, and gorillas.  We did all that and he said he wasn’t done, so we went to see Billy, the new 5 year old elephant.  Jack laughed that his name was billy, like belly button.  We saw another elephant and he said they were friends and his name must be tummy 🙂

(He’s mad at me in this photo because I crouched down to shoot it, but I wouldn’t let him sit on my knee) (There’s a mountain ram behind us)
Denver zoo at 39 1/2 weeks

Denver zoo at 39 1/2 weeks

Denver zoo at 39 1/2 weeks

Denver zoo at 39 1/2 weeks

Denver zoo at 39 1/2 weeks

Denver zoo at 39 1/2 weeks

Denver zoo at 39 1/2 weeks