Month: September 2008 (Page 2 of 2)

I can see!

America’s Best Contacts and Eyeglasses rocks. As I said before, my light purple glasses I’ve been wearing for 7 years broke. I was able to hot glue the hinge back together to wear them during class but clearly this is not a long term solution. I started looking for a cheap way to replace them – cheap because I have no eye coverage with my bare-bones health plan and because we’re living on a student budget. Here’s the breakdown of what I found:

Eye exam:
Target = 55
Lenscrafters = 65
Walmart = 62
America’s Best = free with purchase (40 without)

Target = start at 99
Lenscrafters = start at 99
Walmart = start at 19
America’s Best = start at 49, but buy two for 69, lenses included

Target = 100+
Lenscrafters = 125+ but had a half off deal through November
Walmart = 69+
America’s Best = basic lenses are included in the two for 69 deal. Upgrades start at 69.

So really no comparison. Any other place would total 255+ for the whole package, or just 69 from America’s Best plus you get a second pair. I figured if they didn’t have good frames then I would get the cheap exam and take my prescription to an online shop like zennioptical, where frames + lenses start at $8. But they had decent stuff and at least I could try them on. I’m glad I got some new ones ordered so quickly – not so glad I have to wait 7-10 days for them to arrive.

Those are the two pairs I ordered, but the one on top is purple/pink (I could only find a pic of the blue version). Miranda graciously accompanied me to offer much needed advice. She was very direct and honest and made me feel really good about my purchases. I’m pretty excited to have two pairs because I frequently leave my glasses in my school bag or my purse, and then when I get to the movies or lecture I realize I left them in my other bag. No more!

By the way, remember my shoe conundrum this summer? Just wanted to let you know how awesome my dansko clogs are. I would wear them everyday if that wasn’t so boring. They feel great on my feet and offer the most support I’ve felt outside of a pointe shoe. Amanda has been converted to the dansko love as well. If you need some good shoes I whole heartedly recommend them.

By the way, I got another A on my OB test today. So far I’m rockin’ the 4.0.

Up to

Studying pre-eclampsia and other pregnancy/labor complications.

Watching It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Burn Notice.

Shopping for new glasses. My frames broke yesterday 🙁

Snacking on Fruity Pebbles leftover from my fro-yo for cooking club.

Loving the cold weather turn. Bring on the sweaters and long sleeves!

Knitting a lovely project that will be secret for now.

Desperately needing a haircut. A color job wouldn’t hurt either.

Contemplating getting my ears pierced.


So what am I still interested in?

  • General Med/Surg (but not rehabilitation)
  • medical or surgical ICU
  • Wound care
  • OR nursing
  • ER (I at least want to try it, I’m not sure it would be a match)

What have I nixed?

  • Postpartum/NICU
  • Long term care (especially Russian speaking Alzheimer’s units)
  • Hospice
  • Mental Health
  • Pediatrics (I’m pretty sure, but I won’t know until my peds rotation later in the year)

Cross another one off

I can cross OB off my list of possible specialties. I had two days of clinical this week at our local hospital. The first day was spent following the lactation consultants. Boooooring. Boobs boobs everywhere. We visited postpartum moms to make sure they are feeding well. We had an open group session where 5 moms with babies of various ages up through 3 months came for assistance and weight checks. The rest of the day was private appointments of the same thing. Mom and sometimes Dad came in. Undress baby and weigh him. Change the diaper. Weigh him with the dry diaper. Nurse for 20 minutes on one side. Weigh him. Nurse for 15 minutes on the other side. Weigh him. Hmm, he could go for more. Nurse and weigh for anothe 30 minutes. Chat while they dress him, say good bye, and another couplet comes in. All. Day. Long. My eyes were drooping by 2 pm.
Yesterday I was in the postpartum “Mom Baby” unit. I had a good nurse who explained a lot of things and let me pass out all the medications. Unlike my med/surg unit we weren’t allow to access the pyxis drug carts or log onto computers to chart. So I spent a lot more time just observing. I did one newborn assessment and one mom assessment in a 12 hour shift. I had a whole hour where there was nothing to do so I studied class notes. I was lucky. Another student in a different MB unit read a novel for 3 hours. We’re all packing reading material now. It seems that aside from the labor and delivery unit everyone just needs to rest. I hear that Special Care Nursery (their NICU) is even more boring because you’re SUPPOSED to leave the babies alone as much as possible so they can rest, feed, grow, and be unstimulated. Even the girls in LD yesterday were bored. One was assigned to a nurse whose two patients wouldn’t let a student in. What was she supposed to do all morning??
I talked a lot to my nurse in MB about what specialties to go into (she had a marvelous Boston accent, I suppressed giggles all day). She said OB was always pretty quiet. Even in LD you just don’t get much experience. It’s just uteruses and boobs in and out all day. It would be hard to get another unit to accept you once you’re done working there. She said it was great while she had kids in school because it was so mellow, but it wouldn’t be good for new students. I noticed that most of the nurses were more laxed, doing wimpy assessments and chatting an awful lot. A bit more bumbling, forgetful, and slow. Most have been working in OB for 20+ years. I got the feeling that OB was looked upon as the easy nursing specialty. Kind of like how psychiatry is at the backend of the MD specialties (not that there’s anything wrong with psychiatry! They just don’t get much respect).
So I haven’t had my LD days yet, but I’m pretty sure OB is not for me. I want more exciting critical care.


One of the worst things about clinicals is forcing down breakfast before 6 AM. It does not taste good and goes down unsettled, making me queasy. But if I don’t then I’ll get faint by 10 AM. Yuck. This oatmeal tastes like boggy tissue paper.

Cootie Pie

Weird story. I have my first exam tomorrow covering embryonic development, labor and delivery, and newborns. After studying for a couple hours I called Ben upstairs to quiz me from my study guide. When we got to the section on amniotic fluid he made the most disgusted face when he discovered that fetuses “drink and urinate” the amniotic fluid. “That’s totally gross.” Fish do it too, I offered. “Yeah,” he said, “and that’s gross too. But I’d eat a fetus.” We cracked up, me knowing that he said that to be outrageous (as he often does) and to make the comparison to fish. Then he went on, asking if any cultures ate fetuses. I said I didn’t think so, that it’s probably taboo. Surely someone eats, like, goat fetuses he said. No, I said again, I really don’t think so. I know about lots of weird things people eat. He said, “Well, I’m sure people eat goat fetuses. People eat gross things. Like a delicacy, you know?” With that he popped online and typed this search and came up with this video. What do you know? People eat goat fetuses.
I can’t believe he was right about the goat part. And the name (kutti pi) is hilarious to boot.

Project Hulu

[Ben has been accepted as guest blogger on Rainy Morning.]

I wanted a way to watch Hulu on the TV, but I wanted it to be as complicated as possible. I also wanted to not use the over priced and under-performing wireless adapter for the 360.

This slacker doesn't have to work any more

This wireless adapter costs $100, and for that – it works. Barely. I could barely watch any of the streaming videos on”Inside Xbox” and I had more lag than I should have when playing online. I wanted to somehow use a better adapter for my xbox.

Rachel's awesome TV has a VGA port

Rachel’s TV has lots of awesome inputs, one of them is a VGA input – which means I can plug a standard computer into it. I remembered that we had this port after a while of us longing to watch hulu on the big screen.

Standard computer ports

Rachel also had an extra computer, that was just sitting around. It’s nice because it’s decently fast, but doesn’t have too much memory. That’s a plus because it can go into hibernate mode really quickly. That makes it just as convenient as other Home Theater equipment to use!


I had a WRT54G router that I could put the famous DDWRT firmware on. With this firmware, one of the basic features is the ability to turn the wireless capability into a receiver instead of a transmitter. It then sends the signal out from the ports on the back. Perfect for getting hulu to the computer and for getting Inside Xbox to my Xbox.

Taking the place of the old Linksys

Of course I still needed a router, so we bought this cheap netgear router. It works great!

The web

Here is the computer displaying on the TV!

Full screen hulu!

and full screen 480p Hulu video!

The hiding place

Here’s where I hid the big computer. It’s nice because the mouse is always there, and we don’t have to have a computer cluttering the place up. We have other things for that.

the setup is hidden!

All nice and hidden. You can see the router behind the speaker. Everything works how I wanted. It’s a little over complicated, but given the equipment I had and the results I wanted I think it’s the most cost effective, and it was fun to put together!

I’ve been flicked

I got mad that when I uploaded yarn photos for my ravelry account they took up precious space on my free flickr account, knocking good photos out of view. Hrumph. So I got myself a pro flickr account and went a little crazy. My pictures from the last year are back up and I just uploaded the last of all my old digital photos onto flickr. All 5,107 of them. I put them all up privately so no one can see them. Over the next few . . . days? months? I’ll fill in titles, descriptions, tags, and organize them into sets. I’ll switch them to public view as they become ready. If you want a glimpse back to old times you can subscibe to my feed with your rss reader and watch as they get released. Or check out my flickr account periodically for updates the old-fashioned manual way.

Here’s one of my oldest photos. Look at the shiny adolescence! And the skinniness, the excessive hair, the untamed eyebrows! Oh what fun this will be.

Placentas are cool

School started again and it’s good so far. I have OB – lecture all this week, half lecture half rotation starting next week. The professor has the obligatory baby-love and cutsieness (The picture you see was the first slide she showed in class) but so far she matches it with physiological knowledge and thorough lectures. I would be more annoyed with her talk of God and “baby” versus “fetus” if she hadn’t been so upfront about her opinions. As long as she acknowledges that she addresses her lectures with a spiritual tone I’m ok with it. Also, it’s a jesuit university, so I feel like this sort of thing comes with the package. Labor and Delivery is definitely an area I’m interested in specializing. Not because of the “Oh look at the baaaabeee” factor. Newborns are kind of gross. No, I’m interested because I think it would be a nice balance of routine and excitement. I can expect the course that each patient’s stay will take, so I’ll have some nice routine there. But there’s always the chance for disaster and strange occurances, giving little adenaline rushes that appeals to me the same way OR, ICU, and ER do. Most L&D patients are going to come in healthy (bonus) and probably leave after just a short stay, hopefully fairly healthy (another bonus). The emotional issues may get the best of me. As I get older I get more tearful when babies are born in movies. Also the family stress may be too much. Who knows if I’ll actually like it, but it’s up there on my list of things to try. I’m also stoked because this next rotation is at my local hospital. It’s a super short commute and a place I would potentially like to work! Next week I also start an 8 week course of Evidence Based Research in Nursing on Mondays. It’s another loose, liberal arts education class. I hope it’s more interesting and useful than our last “bachelor program” style class.

natalie dee

I started a knitting streak on break thanks to free time, cooler temperatures, and joining Ravelry. I have a very portable project now and took it into class yesterday and today to knit during breaks. (Actually the prof came up to chat about knitting and quilting and said that it helps her listen, and said she was totally cool with me knitting DURING lecture – sweet!). I’ve brought in my knitting at least a dozen times and every single day at least 5 people come up to talk to me about it. I’m grateful for the chance to make friends, but it gets kind of annoying. Natalie Dee hits it on the head with her comic. Knitting is not that hard. I think anyone can do it. If you really want to then you should learn! I didn’t learn until high school and I taught myself all the advanced stitches. If you used to knit then bring it in! Don’t say to me every day how you should bring it in. I don’t care if you do or not. Ok, my gripe is done. Thanks for listening 🙂

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