I got mad that when I uploaded yarn photos for my ravelry account they took up precious space on my free flickr account, knocking good photos out of view. Hrumph. So I got myself a pro flickr account and went a little crazy. My pictures from the last year are back up and I just uploaded the last of all my old digital photos onto flickr. All 5,107 of them. I put them all up privately so no one can see them. Over the next few . . . days? months? I’ll fill in titles, descriptions, tags, and organize them into sets. I’ll switch them to public view as they become ready. If you want a glimpse back to old times you can subscibe to my feed with your rss reader and watch as they get released. Or check out my flickr account periodically for updates the old-fashioned manual way.

Here’s one of my oldest photos. Look at the shiny adolescence! And the skinniness, the excessive hair, the untamed eyebrows! Oh what fun this will be.