I ordered a vinyl decal from this site for my BB today. Choutte, non? I had to restrain myself from getting ipod and laptop decals too. I also got a clear acrylic case for my phone. I dropped it the other day and the back panel came off. No harm done, but it made me realize that I need some protection.

I ate at Jack in the Box for the second time. Once again I got an upset stomach. It was tasty during the moment. Isn’t that true for a lot of life?

This afternoon we unearthed the tennis rackets from my trunk and played a few games at Morse Park with Brian. My skills are severely lacking. Frequently I outright miss the ball, whiffing my racket 10 inches above or below while it whizzes by. Traditionally I’ve blamed this on my missing depth perception (I have good vision in just one eye, so without glasses I rely on that one. This renders the world in 2D). But I shouldn’t be THAT bad. Today I came up with a new reason – I never played ball sports growing up. No softball, baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, golf, or anything. A little volleyball during one semester of gym in middle school, and a little four-square in elementary school at recess. Do you think that missing out on those sports left me with terrible hand-eye coordination? It was very pleasant playing, even if I only won 1 game.

We tried a new restaurant in the hip Highlands neighborhood (where the party in front of you are wearing leather and cashmere and has a Louis Vuitton diaper bag for their toddler). Big Hoss BBQ totally hit the spot for Ben, Brian, and myself. Warm, spicy pork and beef with delicious baked beans, potatoes, and rolls. We will definitely be returning the next time we want barbeque. We even bought a bottle of their “balanced but aggressive” sauce to slather on our home grilled dinners this week.

I finished my sweater vest a while ago but haven’t taken a picture yet. Did I already mention this? I can’t remember. I’m pleased with how it turned out. It’s not perfect, there are definitely changes I would make if I were doing this again. But it taught me some skills for determining fit and construction of larger garments. I’m excited to try another big project. Alas, the weather is turning warm. I’m knitting washcloths right now, and I have a couple sewing projects. Knitting with wool will have to wait for the fall.