We switched to 9 am church with the new year, and let me tell you. It is GLORIOUS. As much as I hate getting up early on the weekend, it is totally worth it for a free afternoon. Last year we had church at 1 pm. So you sleep in, eat brunch, dress, go to church, and then it’s 4:30 when you get home! Time to start thinking about dinner. And the day is gone.

Today I squandered the afternoon playing Rock Band at Brian’s house. I know, not the best Sunday activity. But man, is this game fun. I wish I could play hard on SOMEthing. I’m medium on guitar/bass, easy on drums (although I can limp through a medium), and singing is completely hit or miss. If I know the song really well I’m fine. If it’s punk or new to me I’ll fail on medium.

I made supper tonight using Ricky’s Hot Sauce, which you may remember from The King of Kong as the hot sauce made by the villainous Billy Mitchell. We got the sauce in our stockings and Santa refused to name his source.

Tomorrow I start my Health Care Ethics class at Regis. It’s my first online course, which is kind of shocking. How did I make it this far in the 21st century without a class on the webs?

P.S. How could they dare make the Rock Band game without including Queen or Journey?