What a relief! My office finally has a new suite where we can move. We can finally stop worrying about where we will be working this summer–and start worrying about actually moving 😉

Amanda, Mom and Dad came up last weekend and we had a pretty good time touring Old Town. I had Indian, English, and Moroccan food within 24 hours. Unfortunately I don’t have any pictures to share.

This morning there was no hot water. Now, there have been times when the pipes are running with other people showering, and I can barely get lukewarm water when I turn the faucet all the way. Usually if I wait for the other pipes to quiet I can have a decent shower. But this morning there was only icy cold water on all the taps in the apartment. I checked every ten minutes for 45 minutes, and even when the pipes weren’t running there was nothing but ice! Needless to say, I had a grumpy Monday.

Ben sweetened my day by taking me out to eat, buying a special cheese (Ski Queen) along with our groceries, and then we watched Tampopo together. Tampopo (meaning dandelion, and in this case, a woman’s name) is about a woman who wants to run a better noodle shop. More than that, the movie is a series of vignettes, showing how the Japanese love and savor their food. Very weird but very good. I came across the movie on IMDB’s movie of the day, here. I wouldn’t recommend it if watching a lot of loud noodle slurping sounds annoying to you. Or if you don’t find Japanese culture completely bizarre and fascinating, like I do.