But there’s sick here again.  Since I last wrote, pre-Christmas, Sam, myself, and Jack have all been sick again.  Here’s a summary, read it and pity me:

Nov 11-15 Jack diarrhea
Nov 13-15 Ben cold (missed office party)
Nov 18-25 Jack flu/cold
Nov 22 Jack ear infection, plugged eye duct
Nov 20-25 (ish) Ben cold part II
Thanksgiving – Jack and Ben still recovering with mild symptoms
Dec 1-4 Jack stomach flu
Dec 3-4 Ben stomach flu
Dec 10  Jack stomach flu part II
Dec 12  Sam rash
Dec 15-17  Rachel stomach flu
Dec 20-25 Ben walking pneumonia
Dec 22-26 Sam cold
Dec 25- 29 Rachel cold
Dec 31 Jack stomach flu part III
Dec 31 Sam plugged eye duct