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Happy 10th Birthday, Jack!

We had a very fun day at home for Jack yesterday.  He was all smiles all day.

We’re still in love with Animal Crossing, so I took dressed up some of his presents to look like the ones flying over the island in game.  He even got items similar to the game – bells (cash), clothes, iron ore (rock collection), and house items (magic foam balls and a clock).  After learning that the star shapes in the game are based on Japanese star candy, Ben ordered some samples and we scattered them around the gifts.

In the actual game, he was happy to have all the NPCs celebrate, a special visit from KK the music dog, and virtual gifts from his aunts and uncle.  I think those presents meant almost as much to him as the real presents!  Maybe not 😉 

I think it’s safe to say that his favorite part was having ONE friend come over to play.  It seemed like a low risk-high reward proposition.  Jack was THRILLED to see his friend after months apart.  They had McDonald’s, look at LEGOs and rocks, and played video games for a couple hours.

Amanda came over to wish him well too.  She was a bit overshadowed by the friend, but I had a GREAT time catching up and talking to another adult in person.

I had made a chocolate-peanut butter cake to celebrate.  Jack pointed out that he probably shouldn’t blow all over it to extinguish the candles.  Good thinking.  I came up with a quick solution – compressed air!  It actually worked really well.

Jack had proposed we start reading the 6th Harry Potter book on his birthday.  We usually start them in the fall when school starts.  But he argued that since he is FINALLY 10 years old, like Harry in the 1st book, and the books usually start close to his birthday, that we should do the same.  Whatever 🙂 The impressive part is that he decided to re-read the ENTIRE SERIES so far.  He started May 5th and finished May 26.  He read 5 thick books in a few weeks.  So nuts.  We used to read-aloud but it took forever to do that with the last book, and I want to save my voice to read aloud with Sam.  So we are reading the 6th HP book to ourselves.  I made him promise to keep paced me with, each stopping at the end of a chapter to discuss before moving on.  That way he won’t rush through, and we’ll still feel like we are reading together.

Jack asked to be allowed to stay up until 9pm. Sure dude 🙂 He seemed to think it was a huge deal and kept saying how he’s never been up this late.  We reminded him that he stays up all the time when we travel, but he felt like that didn’t count since Sam was with him.  He spent his time watching Zach King magic videos on youtube.

Jack has been merrily building his Harry Potter LEGO sets and practicing his sleight of hand.  Here’s a video of his first routine:

A Wee Memorial Day

In an effort to mark the day, we roasted weenies over open fire in the backyard.

The cats stood watch and sniffed the air suspiciously.

Sam reveled in my solution to only having mini-marshmallows on hand – a skillet of melted chocolate and marshmallows that you scooped up with graham crackers.  After crouching over it like Gollum until he couldn’t get another scrape of goo, he declared to me that it was his favorite dessert ever and please can we have it again soon?  🙂 I had to agree that it was easier to eat than regular s’mores.  I don’t think the rest of us got to eat as much as him, so maybe next time I’ll make a dish for him and a dish for the rest of us to share 🙂

PS:  Tomorrow I have an appointment to get my stitches removed and I am SO EXCITED.  The stitches have reached that itchy, irritated stage.  I’m still tender on the incision and have random shooting nerve pains as they heal themselves.  But getting the stitches out means I can wear SOCKS and REGULAR SHOES and WASH MY FEET and rub on LOTION.  I miss those things so much.  I hope that I can log onto my Wednesday Zumba class and do some upper body work while keeping my feet simple.  Maybe even some gentle yoga?  Ah, some day.  Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself.  A head-to-toe shower.  That sounds wonderful.

The next week

Last Friday I had my follow-up visit with my doctor for a dressing change.  I got to see his workmanship and it looks pretty good!  Five stitches in each foot and Dad told me they were well-formed.  I’ll refrain from posting a picture of my gore, but I’m happy to send it if you are curious.  The new dressing is much lighter and more comfortable.

My doctor gave me “exercises” to do, which is to gently push each toe to maximum flex for a count of 10, then push it down for a count of 10, then repeat a total of 3 times.  He said to do 3 times a day and acquiesced when I asked if I can do them more.  I’m up to 5 times a day and it’s getting less scary to do them.

I’m doing a lot better this week.  My feet no longer throb when I put them lower than my heart.  The pain has changed from a generalized ouchiness to either a sharp incision pain, a needle-like stabbing on the underside of my toes, or a burning heat (if I stand too much).  The pains are usually transient.  I’ve been off the narcotic medication for several days, and am tapering down my ibuprofen and Tylenol doses.  Ice still feels good, down to 4-5 times per day.  Sleeping is more comfortable too, with my feet no longer shooting in pain suddenly if the blankets twist them oddly.   It actually feels good to go to bed.  I can walk down the block and back – albeit at a slow and awkward gait.  I even tried driving today and it was no problem.  (I still have to wear my rigid sandals whenever I am walking and I wear them to drive.  They are legal to drive with, unlike a boot that mobilizes your ankle).  I cooked dinner the last few nights too and have done some light cleaning.


My view most every hour. 


The kids are officially done with school.  Today I made a deal that I would let them do whatever they wanted all day and I wouldn’t pester them.  No nagging to brush teeth, turn off the TV, eat vegetables, or anything.  It was my idea of way to mark “summer break,” since they have been home from school for weeks already.  Surprisingly (or not) they were dressed by 9:30 and played together most of the day.  They’re really good kids.  Jack played games, read books, cooked a frozen pizza for their lunch, and built legos.  I think Sam only briefly looked away from cartoons or video games when he was eating.  They both said it was a fun day.

We had to get a new dryer this week.  It still tumbled but stopped blowing hot air.  Perhaps if I was well I could have replaced the heating element of thermostat, but it was ancient anyway.  We’ve had it for at least 15 years, and we got it second hand from a coworker who probably had it 5-10 years before that. The new dryer dries clothes.  I did two loads.  Whoop.  Maybe it’s the isolation or the surgery recovery, but this was the most unexciting $500 purchase we’ve ever made.  Adulting!

Things are starting to open up around town, but we are going to keep isolating for now.  Jack’s piano school had the option to continue skype or go to the studio, and he agreed with me that we can keep it virtual a little longer.  I’m planning a virtual birthday party for his 10th birthday next week.  Tomorrow my book club is meeting in person!  We are a small group (~6 usually) meeting in a backyard, going through an open side gate, all wearing masks, distancing, and bringing our own chairs.  Seems like a low risk-high reward special occasion that I’m very much looking forward to.  We also have another remote trivia Friday night!  My social calendar is positively brimming! 😉

And two friends having babies this summer means I get to knit small, quick, lovely projects!

Outside Adventures

Today I continue to feel better.  I took off the scopolamine patch and am trying to use only ibuprofen during the day.  The Narco works well for pain but makes me feel woozy and dimwitted.  The patch and pill together made my vision so blurry, I had trouble stitching, playing Animal Crossing, or reading.  It has been frustrating that I have to rest, but also can’t do my favorite restful activities well.  Tonight I still have blurry vision but it’s getting better.  I can walk for longer periods with less support.  I think the swelling is down – I’ve been keeping them elevated and iced religiously.

Mom has been a huge help: cooking and cleaning, teaching and entertaining, and keeping all of us in good spirits.  She went back home tonight.  Amanda is going to come help with the kids tomorrow while Ben takes me to my doctor.  I have a follow-up appointment to change the dressing and look at how my feet are healing.  I’m very curious to see how it looks under all this gauze.

Mom and the boys transferred all our seedlings to the vegetable beds.  They did a great job!  Mom’s a total pro, so I’m sure we’ll have a bountiful harvest now that her green thumb bestowed a touch on our plants.  I couldn’t resist waddling outside to see their work, and mom insisted on a family picture.


Tonight I was getting that claustrophobic-cabin fever feeling.  I threw off my headphones and sighed loudly that I wish I could go walk around the block for a change of scenery.  Well, Ben made it happen:


Besides feeling like a fool, it was wonderful.  Fresh air, the smell of flowers, and a little sunshine all helped to reset my mental state.


Feet up, ice up

I think I did pretty good today. The pain was tolerable with the meds they prescribed. I can get up and around with a walker.

The cats love being with me in bed. I usually shut them out every night, so it’s an exciting indulgence for them.

I spent the morning in bed and the afternoon downstairs. I even took a bath tonight – it feels so good to be clean.

I got these fancy booties to wear in the bath. This is a pre-surgery test fitting, but they worked great over my bandages tonight.

Of course, after all the walking and changing clothes and night hygiene tasks, my feet are throbbing with pain. Ben set me up with another ice packet, and I’ll try to sleep after that.

Sam is so sweet. This morning he delivered this letter:

Dear mom: I vearey hope your feet are better soon. And keep resting. By-by love Sam.

I’m so glad my mom is here to help with the kids and taking care of me. I feel like an oaf when I can’t take care of myself, but she and Ben are being very patient and attentive.

New feet

They told me the procedure went smoothly with no surprises. Everyone was really nice and seemed competent and calm.

I got home around noon. So far so good. My feet hurt, obviously. But the pain is manageable so far and the scopolamine patch has prevented any nausea.

Ben is being a great nurse, keeping me comfortable and icing my feet exactly as ordered.

Mom is here to take care of the boys- it sounded like they are having plenty of fun.

That’s all, just wanted to check in to say I’m good.

At home

Foot Surgery

On Monday I will become a voluntary cripple.  But after 6-12 months of healing and physical therapy, I hope to be the dancer I was three years ago.

Out the blue, my feet locked up in September 2017. It was this weekend, in fact.  I had gone to Zumba as usual, maybe pushed my arches a little farther than usual in the “Jamaican Love” routine.  But no problem.  Family came, we saw the Frozen musical and I walked around LoDo in heels.  No problem.  Then on Monday my feet couldn’t bend at the big toe and they hurt like the dickens.  Weird.  I massaged, stretched, and figured they would get better.  They sort of did.  My left foot stayed stiff in the big toe.  I mentioned it to my chiropractor, who ordered an x-ray.  It showed some mild arthritis, but nothing to worry about.  I continued to stretch and try to work it out.

Over time, the left foot got better and the right foot got worse.  Then they switched again. Then they were both kind of bad, then on the verge of healing, then bad again.  Maybe cold weather made it worse?  Was it turf toe?  I never had redness or swelling or any sign of injury.  Just limited ROM and pain when the joint is pressed or bent.  I stopped wearing high heels, then stopped wearing anything that wasn’t flat.  Then it was painful to walk in ANY shoe.

A year ago I started yoga to see if intense leg and foot stretching twice a week would work out the problem.  Nope.  No change, and it continued to get worse.  There were only two pairs of shoes I could comfortably walk in for limited time.  Dance class and yoga always made my feet hurt, and I could no longer balance on one leg in releve, do any one legged turns, no lunges, or anything else that needs a bent foot.  After poking around online I finally found my diagnosis – hallux limitus.

In November I booked an appointment with a podiatrist.  He confirmed my suspicions and explained that hallux limitus can have many different causes.  He ordered an MRI and found out I had almost ALL the causes – bone spurs, arthritis, asymmetrical joint thinning, cartilage loss, marrow swelling, and little floating chips of bone in the joint space.  He recommended surgery when I was ready, but for now gave me a steroid injection in anticipation of our Disney trip.  I also had gotten these awesome MBT shoes with a solid, rocking sole.  The shoes and the shot allowed me to have a fairly pain-free trip.  But this was not a solution, just a stalling tactic.

I decided to get a second opinion and see an orthopedic surgeon.  The podiatrist was fine, but I could tell his office wasn’t exactly cutting edge tech, and joint replacements on 75 year olds was their comfort zone.  This new guy was great, he’s had more experience with patients in my condition who desire to restore as much function as possible.  He seems confident that surgery will greatly improve my ROM and end the pain.  He says I’m on the younger end of the spectrum, but he has had success with younger patients before and there’s no benefit to waiting it out.  He also recommended doing both feet at once!  Only one recovery period instead of two.  This was my initial desire, but I worried it would be too crippling to be off both feet at once.  But he says I should be up on crutches in just a couple days and walking within a week.

I scheduled the surgery for the Monday after the musical.  This was back in early February.  Then the world went crazy.  They didn’t call to reschedule the surgery until a few weeks before, and just moved it to May 11.  I was unsure that the date would stick, but here I am just 4 days before and they are still sending me info and reminders about the procedure.

So that’s my long backstory.  Hopefully on Monday I’ll be able to get this bilateral cheilectomy, and in a year I can pirouette!

I took some “before” pictures so I can mark my progress in recovery.  I’m standing on the ball of my foot as high as I can.  I used to have a nice 90 degree bend, with a flat line from shin to ankle to toe.

Warning! Pictures of feet ahead!




After two years of back and forth, the right foot has been worse for a year now.  The MRI showed equal problems in both feet, maybe even a little worse in the left foot.  I wonder if the differences in presentation are caused by those floating bone shards shifting position in the joint.

Other April Snapshots

Some things we did last month:

I started a big cross stitch and Jack wanted to learn!

Mega tent fort

Cosplay and chocolate frogs to watch Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, which we finally finished reading aloud!  We started in August.  Sheesh.  Good movie, but we liked the book better.

During Harry Potter, Sam and Ben had a movie fort night.

Sam’s art assignment to draw from the Met gallery.

Jack’s art assignment, he did a parody of Perseus.

Easter happened!  Ben and the boys dyed eggs.

It snowed a lot Easter morning.

We kept finding eggs in the melt days later.

Animal Crossing fever has swept the house, and I’m the worst. 

Sam is obsessed with drawing.  At night I often find him clutching his pencil or laying on a spiral notebook.

Jack got a second pair of glasses.  They look great too!  He switches between them every few days.  

Snow can’t stop Freddy!

Determined to enjoy the outdoors.

Hot chocolate and marshmallows after a cold recess.

Sunny days are scooter days.

Sam’s music teacher had them submit videos and pick music to set the mood.  He returned Sam’s video and he was delighted with the result.

Reading time for school spent in the hammock.

We are planting a vegetable bed this season.  The kids picked their seeds and planted starters.  

The bed is ready and waiting for hail/snow season to pass before we transfer our starters.

The kids wanted to give Freddy a walk like Nimbus.  I’m not sure he liked it.

The school staff had a neighborhood parade.  We made a sign to celebrate.

It was really fun!  The kids got big shout outs from their teachers who slowed down to call out their names and say hi. Big smiles all around.

Jack learned about tensegrity structures and figured out how to build one in LEGO by himself!

And lastly, an ongoing issue.  Ugh. Nimbus has had tearing, squinty eyes for two months.  It comes and goes and affects both eyes, one at a time.  Is it allergies? A cold (she was sneezy for a week)? Her eosinophilic keratisis from December? It suddenly flared in one eye so I took her to the vet that afternoon – she got a corneal laceration!  Totally unrelated to the ongoing squints.  In fact, this photo is post injury.  It’s her left eye that got cut, and yet she’s squinting the right eye!



Remote-life for fun

We have been able to continue most of the things we enjoy with the wondrous magic of teleconferencing.  It’s not the same, but we welcome the pale substitution for prior entertainment and enrichment.

Sam’s class meets daily Tue – Fri to visit, review lessons, and read Charlotte’s Web.

Some mornings it’s hard to pay attention.

Last Thursday one of his classmates had a chick hatching out of its egg right during the conference.  Sam thought it was really cool to see!  The next day they showed him again, all fluffed and dry.  

Jack has meetings twice a week with a small group from his class too.  

Three times he’s had conferences with his two best friends just to talk.  He’s showing off Nimbus to them.

My Zumba teacher is offering class via Zoom for donations.  I’ve been doing it weekly all month. 

 It’s hard to get as good a workout from home.  The cats are very distracting too.  Freddy likes to brush against the screen and flop in my floor space.    

Trevor’s friend set up a “Geeks Who Drink” style trivia game on Zoom.  He does it every two weeks, and this Friday will be our third time.  It’s SUPER fun.  A great way to see friends and feel like you are doing something different from routine.  We’ve played with Cate and Trevor and their friends the first week.  Last week’s team was Nate & Miranda and Mavi & Jeff.  This week’s team is TBD, as we try to get as many on who can. 

Last weekend we played online Jackbox games with the Walkers in Idaho.  The sound and audio wasn’t great between families, but the gameplay worked well and we could kinda talk.  

So much fun can come out of a little computer!

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