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MadLibs with Sam

Sam would like to share two funny MadLibs we recently did.

Pirate Makeover, words provided by me.

Love Letter, words provided by Jack.

If you would like to do a MadLibs with Sam, comment your words for one of these pages below, or email them to me. Sam will fill them in and do another reading!

19th Anniversary

Today we celebrate 19 years of marriage. 🎊

Being a Monday, a pandemic, and the unremarkable number nineteen, we kept it simple.

Ben brought me a mass of sunset colored roses.

We had dinner at a local Japanese restaurant with nice outdoor seating. Ben loved his ramen and I had delicious beef curry, shumai, and veggie tempura.

Not wanting to rush home, we gazed into each other’s eyes and said


“I was thinking the same thing.”

Ok, lame I know. But immediately after our ceremony at the temple we went to Target in full wedding attire. We wanted to pick up a cold drink on our way to the ring ceremony!

So really, the first thing we did in our marriage was go to Target. It’s sentimental!

Yeah, Ben is laughing in the pic because I treated it like a thing. But it IS a thing to me!

We are still so in love and so happy we followed our young foolish hearts 19 years ago. 💕

I love you, Ben.

Gramp Camp 2021

Earlier this month we all enjoyed another summer “Gramp Camp.” The kids packed up for 10 days in Grand Junction, sharing time between both grandparents. It looks like they had a great time! Lots of swimming and lots of video games. Lots of spoiling by doting family with late bedtimes and many sweets. A very good week for kids by any standard.

After delivery the kids, Ben and I eagerly planned out a relaxing week of quiet at home. Ben took time off work to make it true vacation. We went to two movies at the Alamo – In the Heights and Black Widow. I took a fun daytime hip hop dance class that I usually can’t attend. We made many day trips to parts of the Front Range to see friends and eat good food. I also ate ice cream almost every day!

Thank you to all my family for taking care of the kids and driving them back. We had an amazing, relaxing week to explore locally and rejuvenate our minds.

Engineering Camp

Jack is a big fan of Mark Rober, the youtuber. He eagerly clicks and laughs through every new upload. For his birthday we enrolled him in Mark Rober’s Engineering camp for June. In the class he learned how to brainstorm solutions to problems and use real tools to build his inventions.

The first task was to build something mechanical to solve a food problem. Jack has struggled to cut apples, because the apple slips around he and he doesn’t think he has the strength. His solution was the Apple Annihilator.

The next project was fairly open-ended, to learn how to build and code using an Arduino kit. They just had to make something related to art. He struggled with this, partly because the task was so vague, and because his ideas were bigger than his tools and skills. We had to coach him back down to using the tools in the kit already, and aim for something simple. He ended up making a little music player. I think it turned out great! Some kids didn’t even finish a project in the allotted time.

The final build assignment was to use all these skills to build something that will help with habits. Jack already had in mind that he wanted to made a cat guard, to keep Nimbus from waking him in the early morning. We encouraged him, saying it was the cat’s “habit” that he was trying to fix 🙂

I didn’t get a chance to take pictures, but Ben filmed his final video submission here.

Overall I think it was a great experience for him. It was a lot of work, and less instruction than I had hoped for. But he came out of it with three actual inventions, all made with his own hands! He has said that he is interested in robotics for a long time, and this was another step in the direction, to see if it is something he really wants to pursue.

Right now Jack is doing a two-week camp at his new middle school. He has Strings Orchestra camp first, where is he playing with other enthusiastic musicians and getting to know the great teacher he will have next year. After that he goes across the school campus to Vex IQ Robotics camp. This teacher also seems great. She is a lot of fun and very enthusiastic. She runs the Robotics club that Jack hopes to join next year. It’s limited in size and competes with other schools. I think the engineering camp, and his other experience with programming at home, are giving him great background knowledge on the subject.

Back to the Alamo

With both of us vaccinated, we indulged in a trip to the movie theater! We haven’t been on a movie date since we saw Emma on March 10, 2020. We used to go to the Alamo 2-3 times a month, so stopping was one of the major lifestyle changes we made for covid.

We got tickets to see Cruella. We picked seats in the far corner away from other ticket-holders, and chose a matinee in the hopes that crowds and maskless eating would be lower (popcorn munching squashed that hope). This was also exciting because it was the first time we used Jack as the babysitter for our movie date! Over the last year he has been doing many short babysitting jobs. Usually while we run a quick errand, or pick up our take-out meal. This time it felt so weird to just leave the kids for a movie! We paid him, of course, but it was so luxurious not to have to coordinate with a sitter. What new freedom!

When the pre-show and trailers ended and the “Feature Presentation” animation played, they had added “Welcome back” to the end. Ben and I looked at each other and giggled because we were both holding back tears. I didn’t expect to get so emotional!

The movie was gorgeous and silly. Both Emmas Thompson and Stone gave strong performances and were fun to watch.

We were still nervous to be in a theater with other people. Even at a well run establishment like the Alamo, it’s hard to relax. Plus, we missed having food. Dinner was always half the fun of going out! We decided to forgo food to keep our masks on the whole time, and it was sort of a bummer.

We want to see more movies, but it looks like they are no longer doing the auto-spacing of tickets, so capacity limits must be gone. We hope to see In the Heights later, when the initial rush is over and theaters are less crowded. As the vaccination rate continues to climb and the incidence rate continues to drop, maybe we will feel comfortable ordering food! I don’t know what we’re going to do about Black Widow. Tickets are already out and I don’t want to wait too long . . .

Grand Junction for Memorial Day

A quick trip to GJ was the perfect way to kick off the summer.

Jack’s 11th Birthday

Jack’s birthday started with presents. The big milestone this year was getting his own cell phone. Much responsibility and regulation were heaped with it, but he is very proud and has been a using it well ever since. He likes to text gifs to family members, so that’s been fun 😉

With adults vaccinated, low incidence rates, and good evidence for outdoor safety, we were able to give Jack a real birthday party! He invited his three best friends from class for an afternoon of science fun.

First we tried Mentos and Diet Coke. It worked, but was a little underwhelming.

Then we took the kids out for fro-yo.

The kids were content to chatter away excitedly. Jack has some great friends: friendly, smart, and polite. I eventually interrupted to suggest we do our next science demonstration – Elephant Toothpaste.

It took a while to get everyone’s solutions mixed up properly. We experimented with different container shapes, different volumes, and different hydrogen peroxide strengths.

This time we got great results! The foam was bountiful and the colors were exciting. They really liked the warm foam, caused by the exothermic reaction. I spent a lot of time admonishing them from touching it too much, to test the heat first, and not get it on their skin. They mostly listened to me.

Our final activity was a giant tub of oobleck. I bought out the cornstarch supply from King Soopers and Target and let them dump all of it in a storage bin. It was a total hit. Somehow the kids managed to worry me with this one too – sinking their hands in deep and then yanking them hard enough to pop their joints. Of course, one of them had to go all in with her feet too.

Lastly the kids opened their goodie bags and had chocolate cake with strawberry frosting. I didn’t get any pictures of the cake but it was delicious (there’s a slice on the table in the pic above). The kids were meant to take home the weird Japanese candy kit that Ben found. But they wanted to build them together instead. I had to call parents to extend the party because they were having so much fun. I think the best part for Jack was getting to relax with his friends outside of school for the first time in over a year.

Roadrunner Speech

Jack’s teacher came through with his award speech. Now recorded here for all history, to show how wonderful my son it 😉

(SOAR behavior is Safe, Outstanding, Accountable, and Respectful.)

Roadrunner of the Year

This year we would like to give an award called, Roadrunner of the Year. In order to receive this award students had to be nominated by their peers. Students were asked to think of a classmate who consistently demonstrates SOAR behavior all year long. I am proud to say many students were nominated and this year we have 2 Roadrunner’s of the Year. 

Our first award goes to a student who’s peers said the following: “He has always been a great person to me and everyone else” Another said, “I would nominate this person because I look up to him and he always does the right thing even when nobody’s watching!” or “He has shown SOAR behavior in ALL of his time here at Vanderhoof. He is loving, kind, and selfless.” This 2020-2021 Roadrunner of the Year award goes to Jack Mason

5th Grade Continuation

Jack’s school held a Continuation ceremony for 5th graders. “Graduation” was never uttered, though it was clearly a graduation celebration. 🙂

They sang the National Anthem, You Can Count on Me by Bruno Mars, and This is Me from The Greatest Showman. There were speeches from students, the principal, and a former NFL player who was an alum of Vanderhoof and currently the coach at the local high school.

Each student had their name called and they collected a certificate (to be traded for the “real” certificate in their goodie bag).

Jack was honored by winning “Roadrunner of the Year” (student of the year) as voted on by his class! We didn’t know that he would be given the award, so I was unprepared for filming. His teacher’s introduction was touching and had quotes from students that I wish I had been able to record. If she sends it to me I’ll post it here. Things like, what a good friend he is to everyone and how he always does the right thing, even when no one is watching.

He’s an easily embarrassed preteen who stalked up to receive his award so quickly I could barely film any of it! I convinced him to take some photos afterward (he already ripped off his tie and refused to put it back on).

We are so proud of him!

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