Author: eaumaison (Page 95 of 207)

Jack addendum

RecipesThe internet just reminded me it’s pie day!  And I have no pie!  I asked Jack if we should go to the Humble Pie Shop to buy a pie, or if we should make a pie together.  I’m sure you can guess his answer.  Actually, no.  Usually his answer is “Both!” So keep in mind how much my kid loves to bake.

I told him we have to decide what kind of pie to make.  He ran to his book basket “Find recipe!  I look Clifford book for recipe! Hmmm, need flour.”   Then he started to pull his chair up to the counter.  I had to explain that not only do I need to find a recipe too, but we will need to buy ingredients. 

He was a little disappointed, but then he turned Caillou back on his tablet and now is making engine noises while he flies his toy plane.

Yeah, he gets spoiled the day after I’m on call.  I only slept a few hours due to phones calls for a CRRT all night and a cat begging for extra meals. 

Some Jack things

My parents came up for a fun, if hurried weekend to see the musical. The kids did great! The final performance was postponed due to heavy snow on Saturday. At least we were able to rush up Friday to see it. I couldn’t make it to the moved finale last night because I was working late and on call.

There was one casualty to the weekend. Jack’s beloved gift from Brian, a Bumblebee Transformer, was left behind in my parents’ car. Luckily they discovered it and mailed it back right away. Jack was dramatically distraught when he learned his Bumblebee (“Bubby”) took a trip with the grumpies. He received it yesterday and, except for sleeping, it hasn’t left his hand. I recorded him talking about it and reading the enclosed pictogram-letter this morning.

 There’s a new Disney series I’m excited about. They are making 19 shorts in the classic 1930s style to bring Mickey back in a starring role for the company. The first one is out and you can watch it here. I found it charming and impressive that they decided to speak French without subtitles. Jack watched it and found it hilarious. He was very concerned that the motorcycles crashed.

Jack tried to use his camera but the memory card was full! That finally got me to upload his latest batch of photography. You can see them in the set on flickr, labeled Feb-March 2013. Here are a few of my favorites.

Feb-March 2013 by Jack

Feb-March 2013 by Jack

Feb-March 2013 by Jack

Feb-March 2013 by Jack

Feb-March 2013 by Jack

Feb-March 2013 by Jack

Feb-March 2013 by Jack

Feb-March 2013 by Jack

Finally Some Resolution

There are . . . 4 big things happening in our lives right now, as I alluded to earlier.  I can’t go into detail on some of them, but at least a couple are getting answers.  A lot of my readers already know what I’m talking about, so you will please forgive lack of details.  You never know who is reading on the internet. 

Thing 1:: Pertaining to Ben
We finally got an answer.  We have been waiting over a month for something to pan out.  Today we learned that it would not happen.  At least not in the near future.  At this point, we are just happy to have a definite answer.  They say that in a few/many months things will change and things will move forward again.  But for now it’s a no.

Thing 2:: Pertaining to Rachel in the same manner
We have a plan and although it’s not exactly what I had in mind, I’m excited about it.  I should be able to talk more by the weekend.

Thing 3:: More Space
No reason to keep this a secret really, even in light of the above things.  We are passively looking for a new house.  We have outgrown our little townhouse and are dreaming of a real house, with a real yard.  We chatted with a loan officer and I have spent a lot of time looking on Zillow with a lot of cute, promising houses.  Probably after Thing 2 is resolved I will starting visiting houses with a real estate agent.

Thing 4:: Other Reason for More Space
Let’s end on on a happy note.
12 week ultrasound

Yes, we are having another baby!  I am 12 weeks along, next week marks the beginning of the second trimester.  No, we won’t know the gender until mid-April.  Yes, I would like a girl.  But brothers could be fun too.  So far the pregnancy has been easier than the first one.  No one at work knows yet (unless they are reading this now).  I haven’t been too sick, at least compared to last time.  Everything baby-wise is looking healthy and normal.  I’m due in the first half of September. 

It’s my birthday!

Today I turned 31.  As a treat to myself I requested off today and the next two days from work.  How I love being home with my boy! 

I woke up before him and took a long hot shower.  I used ALL my lotions and scrubs.  Then I knit while Jack ate breakfast.

Birthday morning

After he helped me put the curlers away, and declared my hair “silly,” we bought cupcakes.
Birthday groceries=cupcakes

He easily convinced me to eat at least one right away.
Mini cupcakes are for eating right away

The nanny came over and I excused myself to a relaxing, unhurried lunch. 
An unhurried lunch

Followed by a soothing massage at the student clinic ($23 an hour is hard to beat!)
Birthday massage

When I got home Jack was just going down for a “nap.”  Naps have morphed into “quiet time.”  He doesn’t sleep every day anymore. But he will stay in his bed for a couple hours, playing and reading quietly to himself.  I’m fine with that.  More knitting, this time with Ron Swanson.
Knitting and Ron Swanson

Ben came home early and we did presents and cupcakes!
Cake and presents

Cake and presentsCake and presentsCake and presents

Then we talked to my folks on facetime.  Mom read a book to Jack.   Then he went outside to shovel snow and throw snowballs.

Cake and presentsSnowball fight

Our sitter came back (eventually, Brian covered for a little while because the snow backed up traffic) and we went on a real, true date.  Dinner at Le Central.  DELICIOUS!  My lamb shank isn’t pictured because I forgot.  I was in a mini food coma by then. 

Le Central dinner
Le Central dinner

We picked up a few small treats at Target and came home to a sleeping boy.   Not pictured: Watching New Girl in my jammies with my hubby.

What a wonderful day!

Working and Playing

Ugh.  I was back-up-back-up today (call #3) and I got called into work at 05:40 this morning.  Did two patients at a time in our main room.  Transfused two units of blood.  Got blood pressures down from 190s to 140s.  Took out 10.3 liters gross of fluid (8 net).  Called in a faulty alarm to biomed. The usual.  But not usual for a Sunday morning.

Laid low this afternoon knitting and watching Two Towers.


Jack got to attend his friend’s birthday party.  I was sad to miss out – Trish throws amazing parties. Ben took this video of them playing live action Angry Birds. 

Then after nap Jack asked to play Kinect. He loves this game where he builds a castle and then destroys it as a dragon.  When the game puts a crown on his head he calls himself a queen- not a king, mind you. 

Knitting projects

I made this top out of the most luxurious yarn.  I LOVE Anzula Squishy.


The color is most like this first photo. 


I added the sleeves to the pattern – they turned out great!  I’m worried about the neckline.  It felt really well when I tried it on mid-knit.  But now that it’s blocked and the ruffles weigh it down, the neck is stretching too much.  I might track down some trim at you-know-where to sew along the inside for stability. 


I also finished the first gauntlet from the Downton Abbey knit-a-long. But that means I’m still two episodes behind, so don’t talk to me about anything recent!


Waiting and wishing

We are having a rough winter.  There’s a lot of changes on the horizon for us, though I don’t want to talk about anything until it’s really final.  But there’s a lot of stress and hope involved. 

On top of that we’ve had a lot of stressful events.  Difficulties with work for both of us.  Ben had to go to urgent care for a profusely bleeding nose.   Jack had a big fall today, with a goose egg bump and vomiting afterward.  Our nanny hasn’t worked a full week since Christmas break due to multiple sick days. 

So yeah, I haven’t been posting much.

In between all of this I try to knit a little, play with my kid, keep the household functioning, and watch Parks and Rec reruns to quiet my mind. 

I think back to a song Ben put on a mix tape for me the first year we were dating, when I was 18 and he was 19. 

Here’s wishing you the bluest sky,
And hoping something better comes tomorrow.
Hoping all the verses rhyme,
And the very best of choruses to
Follow all the doubt and sadness.
I know that better things are on the way.

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