Amanda pointed out that I haven’t posted in a while, so let me give you a quick run down of our May so far.
1. The house purchase is going extremely well. The offer, inspection, objections, appraisal, loan, and closing preparations are all going so remarkably well, the realtors are even amazed. At least half of our house is already in boxes. Jack spent the morning playing Transformers with Brian while Ben and did a packing spree. In addition, we’ve been doing a couple boxes a day for the last few weeks. I have met with carpet and paint people to prepare our townhouse for market. I feel like I have all my ducks in order.
2. I declare Jack potty-trained! He took to it really well. After a week I started leaving his diaper off during naps too, and he wakes up dry every time. We carry about our days normally and he’s able to use all public restrooms or hold it until we get home pretty much all the time. I’d say he had two minor accidents in the last two weeks – and I blame myself partly for putting him in a tough situation. He still wears a diaper at night. I’m told that part will come much later. It wasn’t exactly easy to train him. It took a lot of work. Diapers sure were easy. But hopefully we can enjoy a few months diaper-free before starting over again with the newborn.
3. We have a short list of names for the new little boy, with two that we really like. Not certain on the middle name yet, but we have a list for that too. We’re going to keep all our ideas under wraps again. We don’t get too much negative feedback on names we actually love, and so we might change our minds last minute if needed. But I will say that Elmer Lightning Mason is no longer on our lists 😉
4. Been doing lots of dishes, lots of laundry, lots of grocery shopping.
5. I took Jack to the zoo a couples times. We also go to the playground most days. And . . . here are some pictures to jog my memory.
Zoo trip on a Friday. Silly me, I didn’t realize it would be crawling with school groups and other moms, happy to finally have a nice weather day to take out our kids. I brought his stroller because he hurt his foot that week, and carrying him isn’t an option for me anymore when he gets tired. It had been at least a year since he rode in it. Maybe more. He didn’t recognize it. He was SUPER into the stroller. Then he went all old school with his hat, duck, and puppy.

Making Mother’s Day cookies for Grandma Susan. (I had a fantastically relaxed Mother’s Day. Ben treats me very well. I’m only sad that I remembered several days too late to take a portrait of me and Jack. This one will have to stand in for this year.)
Ben taught him to use the big swings.
He makes friends easily every time we go to the playground.
Completed hat and sweater (minus buttons) for the baby. I’m halfway through sweater #2. Yay for autumn babies!
Snuck into Pre-opening night at Cafe Rio in our neighborhood and got a free dinner. It was so busy we ate it outside.
Jack was cold, so we improvised. Ben declared this photo “Glorious.”
Play time with Wolfie. These movie trades are great. They were seeing Iron Man 3. The Saturday before we got to see The Great Gatsby (at the Alamo, of course!).
That brings us to this Saturday. The day was spent packing, more Cafe Rio for lunch, and nap time for all three of us. Then we went to H Burger with Brian and Amanda, and dessert at Sweet Action ice cream. It was 30 minutes past Jack’s bedtime and, again, too crowded inside. We ate on a sidewalk table. After asking “How about inside?” I went to the car to get his blankets again. This was met with “You have undies for my hat?” Not wanting to make another trip to the car, we got over our giggles and made a head wrap.
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