Author: eaumaison (Page 92 of 207)

A Long 4th of July

Jack and I descended on my parents abode for the holiday week.  I had three goals:
1) Pick up baby things I had stored at their house
2) Do more work training
3) Put Jack in the pool

Happily, I accomplished all three!  Amanda was able to come down too.  Ben had a quiet week back in Arvada while we brought the non-stop questions and playing to Grand Junction.  I think we swam every morning and evening, about 3 hours a day at least.  It was great fun.

As usual, more pictures and video are on my flickr photostream.  

Pre-trip, dancing with stars at Story Time.

On the evening we arrived Jack was ready to swim.  He was so zonked by the end of the day, I found him in this position at bedtime and he hadn’t moved by morning. 



Periscopes and Parachutes


We found that the best flotation tool was a noodle.  He could stay afloat and move around better than with the vest or the water wings.   


The slide was a big hit.

He didn’t expect to go underwater again.  But he was really brave about it every time!


On the Fourth, we went with pool glowing toys instead of fireworks. 

Grandpa juggling
Glowstick balls

The fire pit had a little gas leak or we would have made s’mores on it.

Sad to leave on Friday, but excited to see Dad in Arvada. 

Settling in, getting hot

Not much to say.  Just thought I’d post a few pics.  Jack and I are back in the glorious swing of routine.  I’ve stalled on unpacking as we reached that stage where enough is out of boxes to live.  Eventually, a certain box in my view will grate on me enough that I unpack it, but for now I’m taking a break.  Also, someday I need to, you know, put together a baby room.  For a baby.  Now only 3 months away.  But I have time, right?  I also finished getting the old house ready for sale.  It will be listed at midnight.  Does anyone out there need a townhouse?

Anyway, here are some snapshots from the last week.  Dang.  I can’t believe I was walking around in a sweater just then.  I’ve had our swamp cooler on all day today (verdict – not as good as A/C but pretty dang helpful and a lot cheaper).   The heat continues for the rest of the week. 


Jack got two capes for his birthday, Superman/reversible Batman from April, and this one from Amanda with the sign for Danger.  He’s pretty into them.



Matching tats


Jack LOVES to help me in the kitchen.  Maybe it’s because now there’s a stool for him in the kitchen all the time, because he pulls it up to the counter with every meal, insisting “I help you! I help you!”  Saturday morning we made crepes.  He asked for peas after gagging them down with dinner the night before, saying “I like peas!”  See, Dr. Nagel told him at his check-up that he should try to eat more superfoods, like superheroes do, so he can be super strong and fast.  I can’t believe that’s working.  He’s eaten a handful peas, a bite of broccoli, and half a slice of avocado since then.  Not much, but that’s infinitely more than the amount of green he would eat before = big fat zero.  Anyway, on this particular morning he ate only two peas because the crepes introduced him to Nutella.  Seriously mom?  You want me to eat peas when this brown stuff exists??


White Fence Farm with my family right before they left for Europe. 


Oh my gosh.




Jack is going to make this new baby WORK IT to beat his cuteness. 

More help in the kitchen.  He can wash, stem, and pit cherries all by himself.



This week’s story time made me proud because he sat up front with the other kids the whole time.  Normally he makes me sit with him in the middle on the floor, so he can be on and off my lap.  This way, I got to sit in a comfy chair in the back.  He did great!




Mostly great.  In terms of bravery.  Not so much in front row etiquette. 


Random today shots



Jack’s 3rd Birthday


My whole photo set is up on Flickr.  Here are my favorites.  Not a bad little party considering we had moved the day before and half the invited friends were out of town on holiday. The important thing is that there were balloons, cake, presents, and Jack had a great time.












(Thank you, Amanda, for taking these!

Important skills

Jack likes to play Lego Star Wars on the Xbox.  He’s getting really into it now. 

Later he paused to game to drink some water from his sippy cup.  Hilarious.

Ben took video too and sent it to me.  See facial twitching and aforementioned sippy cup break.

Getting it done

Today the Masons went visiting, so Jack and I had a kind of normal day together.  We did our breakfast routine. I swept and vacuumed for the first time.  We got new library books.  We got yogurt at the grocery store.  We have lunch at home.  We walked Jem down the street.  We got mail for the first time.  When Ben got home we tried out the new lawn equipment.

Lawn evening

We have no idea what we are doing 😉

Lawn evening
Lawn evening
But isn’t this nice?

Old and New

Here is our dark, narrow, small, dingy carpet shell of an old house. 
Goodbye quail street

Quail street, you were good to us.  But I think we outgrew you two years ago. 

Goodbye quail street

We filled the truck, plus a minivan, and at least 4 Pontiac Vibes. 

Now onto some of my favorite things in the “New Big Orange House,” as Jack insists on calling it.  (Excuse the mess.  The decorating and arrangements are all improvised and temporary. 

Laundry on the main floor!  With nearby chairs to sit and sort fresh from the dryer.
New house rocks #1

A wood burning fireplace that isn’t tacky or dated or overtaking the room! Doesn’t it scream for Christmas stockings?
New house rocks #2

A shaded back patio with ample (but not too ample) back yard!
New house rocks #3

Jack’s larger room, with adorable and totally rad new bed!  Which he sleeps deeper and longer in!
New house rocks #4

A master bedroom with room to walk around!
New house rocks #5

Attached master bathroom for private trips during the middle of the night when the boy in residence in my tummy decides to play the tom-tom on my bladder!
New house rocks #6

Walk in closer with triple the rod space, shelves to the ceiling!
New house rocks #7

A happy happy cat!
Happy cat


We are here in our new house!  Thanks to helpful family and hired movers, we got our new house moved in on Sunday.  Monday was a birthday party for Jack – now THREE!  and a flurry a unpacking.  Today is more settled in, the slower unboxing part of moving in.  Ben is back at work.  His folks are staying for the week to help with Jack while I continue unpacking.  The cat and dog both seem to love the new house.  When Ben and I catch our breaths between moments of exhaustion, we are over the moon about the new house. 

Pictures to come of the party and house later.  Too tired to dig out transfer cords. 

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