Author: eaumaison (Page 87 of 207)

Pumpkin everything!

What a weekend we have ahead of us!  Today is Jack’s Messy Art Class and my 6 week postpartum check-up.  Then we have a Halloween party at church tonight, and Ben told Jack they could have a camp-out together in his room.  Then, most exciting of all, Betty and Rick are coming to visit!  They get to meet Sam and play with Jack all weekend long.

What better way to kick off all the fun than with pumpkin pancakes?


Jack read this book to Sam this morning while waiting to leave.  So cute!


Fall is the best. 

Leaves galore

There’s no lack of fall foliage at our house.  Thanks to three mature trees in our yard we have an abundance of leaves to rake this Fall.   I should have taken a “before” photo so you could see the thick carpet of leaves on our patio.  This is one of four piles I made. Do you remember when you were this small?











I’m leaving the bagging for Ben 😉 

Becoming a punk

Today Jack called me a stinker when I told him to eat a carrot.  It was the first time he has called me a name.  (I call him stinker all the time when we play, it’s our friendly insult.)

A couple days ago he trash-talked for the first time.  While playing Lego Star Wars with Ben, he called out “You want to fall?  Do you want to fall down, Darth Vader?”  So cruel 😉

Fall Friday

I’m finding a rhythm to the day and it’s nice.  Sam is surprisingly regular about his feedings.  I even got the boys to take naps up in their rooms at the same time, three times this week!  It’s so liberating to have them safely snoozing away from me. 

Our trees are not disappointing in the leaf department.  It’s actually fun to help with the yard work. 

I love fallI love fall

I love fall

After feeding Sam, potty helping Jack, changing diapers, and grabbing my robe, I ambled downstairs to start breakfast.  We had leftover bacon from last weekend and I excitedly turned on my oven.  The display briefly turned on, then went dead.  Well, crud.  The range top worked, and so did the oven light.  Grumbling to myself, I pulled out an iron skillet to cook bacon the inferior way, and reported to Ben that I broke the oven. 

We had a repair man here within two hours.  He just banged on the display and informed me what I already knew.  For $70 we got the obvious diagnosis that the electrical panel was dead and an outrageous estimate for $547 to replace it.  Apparently the part is $400+.  Ben dismissed him and we decided to replace the whole thing.  Until we found out that ranges like ours are $1200 and up.  Cheaper models won’t work in our space.  Hurrah for the internet – I found the part we needed for just $250!  I took apart the oven to explore and it seems like an easy fix.  I’ve upgraded both our car stereos, so I figure this can’t be much harder.  Until Monday or Tuesday when the new panel comes, we will have to rely on the stovetop and slow cookers for meals.  I hope my DIY works.  I’m sick of appliances breaking. 

Today was Jack’s first of four art classes.  I dropped him off at the rec center and felt a little weird leaving the building.  It’s the first time I’ve left him with strangers while I went away.  Sunday nursery and babysitting don’t count for that.  Any twinges of maternal sadness melted away when I entered Target.  Armed with a sleeping baby and a hot chocolate, I slowly browsed ONLY the sections I wanted (no toy aisles!).  It was strangely therapeutic.  I came away with a few practical purchases and a few unplanned, cheap, splurges – typical Target experience. 

Mom time

I picked up a very happy kid after one hour and we all went out to lunch with Ben, taking a break from his work at home day. 

Tomorrow I look forward to help with the diaper changes (I HATE changing diapers) and a birthday dinner out with Amanda and her friends. 

A Walk to the Park

We went to Allendale park again.  It’s about a 20 minute walk from our house: ambitious, but not crazy long.  The first time I had Sam in the stroller and had Jack walk.


Jack was worn out by the walk home and had some trouble with scraped knees.  He really wanted me to carry him the last two blocks, which of course I couldn’t do.

This time I took Sam on my carrier and pushed Jack in his stroller.

Walk to park
He was thrilled about this arrangement.  I’m on the fence.  On the one hand, I could control our speed and not worry about him wandering off the path.  On the other hand, that’s a lot of boy for me to push and carry! 

Both ways, we had a lot of fun.

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