Author: eaumaison (Page 86 of 207)

Sam is Two Months Old Today

Sam is 2 months old

(Yes, I plan on doing a photo-heavy post for my baby every month of his first year, just like I did with Jack.  Deal with it)

Has it really only been two months?  Then why does he look like a 4 month old? 

Sam is 2 months old

Seriously, this kid is a chunk.  Tomorrow is his doctor visit and we will get an official weight.  But yesterday on my bathroom scale it said 14 pounds!  He’s outgrown so many hand-me-downs already, a lot of which we couldn’t use because he was born in a different season than Jack.  

Sam is 2 months old

The upside of a big boy is how strong he is already.  He holds his head up when you hold him, looking around.  He presses to stand on his feet when upright.  He smiles, he laughs, he gurgles, he coos. 

Sam is 2 months old

He is getting curiouser and curiouser.

Sam is 2 months old

Here he is struggling to flail his arms at his wooden play rack.  This is new this week, that he has purposefully toyed with the beads. 

Sam is 2 months old

“Damn you hands, get the blue one!”
Sam is 2 months old

This smile is for his brother.  He just lights up when Jack is around. 

Sam is 2 months old

Below, Jack was giving him a rendition of the Good Morning song we learned in Story Time. 

Sam is 2 months old

And here I am singing it to him earlier today. 

He’s a kicker!

What else can I say?  He absolutely, adorably sweet.  Remember all the worry we had about a second child?  Because Jack was so great, it must be downhill from here? 

I hesitate to say it, but Sam is just as good a baby, and even sometimes better.  He falls back asleep easily.  He can take or leave a pacifier.  He reliably sleeps in the car.  He loves to cuddle. 

Nobody’s perfect though, and Sam is a terrible eater.  His latch is shallow and he clicks often, the sound of losing suction.  I’m going to see if the doctor agrees he is tongue tied and can do anything about it. 

Even so, I wouldn’t trade him for anything.  He’s my lovely baby boy. 

Sam is 2 months old

Bonus brother picture.  What a difference 3 years makes! (Forgive the groggy morning expressions. We are not morning people in this house.)
Sam is 2 months old

Jack’s first dance class

Today I took my little guy to the Arvada Center for his first ballet class.  It was taught by Miss Jen, who I knew from our classes together when I took ballet there 6 years ago.  A lot has changed since then; a career change, two home purchases, and two kids.  I had waves of nostalgia going through the building.  Maybe when the dudes are older I can return to take Tap classes like I’ve always wanted.   Enough about me, you want to see Jack! 

Let me say that his little dance outfit is adorable in it’s simplicity.  Amongst all the tutus and pink and lavender was my sweet boy.  It was kind of a hassle getting the outfit together.  I got his Capezio shoes on Amazon.  The shorts are actually pants from Target that I cut short.  All their shorts were too big for him and I couldn’t find any in his size anywhere else. 

After Miss Jen reviewed the rules for class with them (No hanging on barres, no picking at floor tape, no playing the piano, no touching each others tutus or hair, etc) they were released to the room.  Jack made a beeline for the giant mirror and took some coaxing to join the others. 


In general, he was more of a spaz than the other girls.  Jen said that’s normal for boys that she teaches.  But he loved it and returned to task fairly well.  I’m glad the teacher understands that this is the first time these kids have ever had structure, turn taking, and direction following to this degree.  I think it will be so good for him. 


In this part she was teaching them stage right/left, up/down stage directions.  She would call out a direction and they ran to the matching side of the room.

Some basics.  Jack took a while to catch onto the copying part.  He wanted to show her his “twirls and “funny moves.”


There we go. 


Videos! First some center work, learning plies, releves, and sautes.  They covered first position, but I think Jack will need to do some remedial work with me at home to master it. 

Then I think this game was to teach them cues.  (We couldn’t hear anything from outside.)  She gave them moves to do around the room, then the music stopped and they needed to return to their places in the hula hoops. 

I tried to catch his happy face afterwards, but he was a total blur 🙂

After class I showed him the dragon they have outside the building.  The foliage was gorgeous so I snapped more pictures. 



Messy Art Class

Amanda requested further commentary on Jack’s Messy Art class.  It’s a 4 session class offered at the Wheat Ridge rec center, for an hour each Friday.  It was really strange the first time I dropped him off and left the building.  It was the first time I’ve ever left him unattended, not counting babysitters or when I’m in the same building, like nursery at church.  I double checked with the teacher, really?  I can go?  I can leave him here and go to Target or whatever?  Sweeeeeeet. 

He seems to love the class and had no problem being left with strange kids and Coach Robin (who also does youth athletics, so she uses that moniker). 
Coach Robin puts the plan on the board each day, so parents can see what they did and cue conversation, since 3-4 year olds are not the best historians.  Usually there’s a snack, one or two books, and three projects based on those books.  This was last week’s:


And the results:

As you can see, the messy part refers to finger paints, shaving cream, and other sloppy things.  They have a rather simple and brilliant clean-up area.  Just a big tub of mildly soapy water on the floor where the kids can dip and splash to wash off messes. 

Next week is the last Friday art class, but also his first dance class on Wednesday.  I admit, I’m super excited for that one.  It’s at the Arvada Center, where I took classes in the years between college and nursing school. 

This image makes me giddy:

After donning the shoes he ran in circles around our house about 17 times.  I’d say he’s excited too.



After so many pre-Halloween activities, I had to do some work to make the day festive for Jack. Why not start with orange colored milk and a cupcake?

Sam needed to be pictured in this “My first Halloween” bib, even though he has no use for a bib at this point.


Jack loved the little Google game they posted on their home search page. 

Here’s a great series of our pumpkin carving experience.

“Yay, Mom!  Pumpkins!”

“What am I going to do with these spoons?”

“Ehhh, it’s yucky.  I don’t like it.”

“No! No! No!  You do it for me.”

I wouldn’t force him to scoop, but he kept asking what he could do to help.  I came up with the idea to have him design the pumpkin faces for me to copy.  He happily agreed (lucky for me) and I pulled out these cut-outs I made earlier this month.  



Then there was napping by both boys.

An early dinner of Mummy Hot Dogs and Hulk Juice.

Then Wolfie and his family met us to go trick-or-treating. 


It was blustery and chilly tonight.  The boys were done long before Ben would have liked, but plenty long for three year olds.  They came back to play games and watch Toy Story Terror at the house while eating gobs of candy.  A pretty good Halloween if I may say so myself. 

Halloween Story Time

On Tuesday me and the boys met Jack’s friend Adam at story time for a special Halloween edition.  After an abbreviated group session, the kids made a parade and went trick-or-treating. 

Library Trick-or-Treat

That’s my dragon boy and his friend Harry Potter up front. 
Library Trick-or-Treat

Here at the Help Desk a flock of dragons (3) help themselves to candy. 
Library Trick-or-Treat

Down the administration hall were many more bowls of candy.  The employees told me that they look forward to this day all year. 
Library Trick-or-Treat

Outside I had them show off their haul.  What cuties!  Thanks for letting Adam join us, April!
Library Trick-or-Treat

Mason Grandparents Weekend

Betty and Richard came all the way to Colorado from Maine to meet their new grandson!  There was much baby-holding and coo-watching.  There was also much older brother spoiling 😉  Jack loves visiting with them and was “so very very very sad” that they had to leave.

Meeting the grandson

Reading Jack a book while Sam snoozes

Walking around Cherry Creek shopping district

I snapped this Sweet Action photo right as Jack spilled his water.

Mason family get-together

Donning appropriate napkin placement for spaghetti slurping at Virgilio’s


Sam and I opted for a warm visit to the library for “baby time” (story time for less than 1 year olds) instead of joining the group at the Denver Zoo.  He’s already been twice and it was quite drizzly and cold.  I hear that they had the zoo to themselves and Jack had a ton of fun. 

Watching Toy Story Terror in our theater room with popcorn (yeah, I really need to get proper black-out curtains rather than blankets to block the light.  Oy, that looks bad).  Jack is showing how he uses one hand to hold Sam’s body, and one hand to hold his head.  Not *quite* the technique I demonstrated to him, but close enough.

Sam cooing at Grandma

What fun!  They boys can’t wait for the next visit. 

Halloween Preview

I can’t wait to show you our adorable costumes this year, so here they are!  As I said earlier, tonight was the Halloween party for our church.  It was carnival games and trick-or-treating.  Jack had a blast!  Sam was agog at all the lights and people and noise, in a good way.  Our costumes turned out perfect.

Ever since April Jack has been saying he wants to be a dragon for Halloween.  I couldn’t find the time to make his costume this year, but my mom rescued me!  Look at this amazing job she did.



Ben is a wizard, using costume parts we already had, plus a Gandalf hat from Amazon.  We were surprised at how few adults dressed up, but we got a ton of compliments for doing so. 

Sam is a spider and I’m his web.  I only had to buy the black socks and red tape for him, and a $5 piece of fabric for me.  That’s the kind of DIY I can handle this year. 



Jack loved the games, but got extra excited when the trick-or-treating was announced.  Even Sam got candy.






Can’t wait for more celebrations!  I hope to take nice pictures on the actual holiday, so stay tuned.

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