I've been shopping for months for new frames. After two rounds of try-ons from Warby Parker and browsing Target, I ordered a third round, as well as try on kits from three other companies. WP started a trend and now there are are at least a dozen copy cats. The problem is now that I like too many of them . . .
Author: eaumaison (Page 83 of 207)
One of my best friends from high school, Jenni Case, got married last weekend. This was quite momentous. Jenni has had, I think at least 14 proposals? That I know of at least. So I had to be there to meet the man who finally won her heart. I was able to visit Grand Junction for the reception, and got to fit in a lot of grandparent time over the long weekend.
Dad started showing Jack some simple magic tricks. Jack was astounded!
Jack made them reenact the snowman scene he did in drama class last week.
Sam had his first solids that week (see pics of that at the bottom). My folks enthusiastically offered him more meals. It’s fun for them to be able to feed him, especially since he practically refuses bottles now. He ate banana and oatmeal and drank water from a cup. The faces he pulls here are from first trying them. After a few spoonfuls he was happy to eat more.
Jack and I made Valentine owls.
The beautiful bride and groom!
It’s so nice that I can see these girls again for for our big life moments. Kristin is expecting her third baby (a girl #3) and I just had my baby to show off. And of course, seeing Jenni in a white wedding dress was amazing. She looked so happy, I’m so happy for her.
The reception was at a fun park and after the formalities they inflated 5 bouncy castles and the giant slide. Jack exclaimed in wide-eyed wonder “This place is AMAZING!”
After church Sunday, trying more food.
Sadly Mom got a flu bug. Dad had double duty entertaining. I felt bad that we were having so much fun while she was suffering in her room. At least it was a quick one. We were able to visit in the morning and play a little more. The drive home was lovely and the boys were well-behaved. I have two really great kids.
Sam’s First Solids
I hadn’t posted these photos yet, so let me squeeze them in. Mushed bananas were received with unsure faces, but he ate a tablespoon full, so they must have tasted good 🙂
(I don’t know what is up with youtube’s audio this week. A lot of videos are flaking out. You can turn up the audio on each one as it plays. Sorry if you have a hard time hearing these.)
What a busy week! Jack started drama class yesterday at the rec center. He’s going to LOVE it. He’s so into pretending lately. He told me they pretended to be snowmen, that some kids were snowflakes and he was a stick, like this [lies on floor with arms pressed to sides]. I snickered inside, singing to myself and everybody’s saying ‘I feel the snow!’ ‘I feel the cold!’ ‘I feel the air!’ But I felt nothing. He told me they didn’t do any Curious George, which the class was billed as being about. I told him we would ask his teacher together next week. But she sent out an email today about the class so I was able to read the schedule to him. The email is so cute, I thought I’d share it with you
Hi! The actors did so well in class yesterday. They are so sweet, energetic, and creative. It is going to be a fun session!
I love how collegiate the course material sounds, until you get to the reminder to use the bathroom. Actually, many grown-up activities could use that reminder too.
Today was ballet class again. Ballet and drama overlap for two weeks. Today they added a new move to their repertoire. These are chaines turns:
And this is how you introduce a three year old to chaines turns:
I had 1 1/2 hours after class to get him lunch, give Sam lunch, change everyone’s clothes, and pack up to drive to Bailey for musical rehearsal. This was the first dance rehearsal of the year. The number will including dancing with canes, which got Jack very enthusiastic. He watched me working it out at home the night before, and I caught him copying. He counted along and actually is doing moves from the piece. Mostly he wanted to wave sticks in the air as long as he could, and I let him so long as he didn’t hit anything.
My favorite part of the rehearsal was when I said “go upstage” to the dancers, and Jack called out to the leads who (correctly) stayed downstage that they need to go upstage too! He totally knows his stage directions. Amanda kept Sam and Jack happy for the duration, allowing a successful start to the show (at least from my end).
No videos of Sam, hmm? Well let’s fix that.
Look who is a third of a year old already!
Sam is all about the mouth. Everything goes in the mouth. Especially fabric. He loves to gum on my scarves and sweater sleeves.
I was bit several times last week. I wonder if teeth are not far away. He’s super interested in watching me eat. I got the go ahead to start solids when we feel like it.
He’s a rolly polly guy, mostly side to side. We need to work on tummy time more, but his pediatrician said he’s doing fine.
He’s still topping the charts on growth! 27 inches, 17 pounds 12 ounces today.
His hand-eye coordination is getting really good. He can take out his pacifier and put it back in.
See? (He succeeded, I promise. About 2/10 times he gets it right).
He also started conversing in earnest this week. All day long (if he’s not moaning) he’s cooing, trying out his voice.
He likes to watch TV (grrr) and listen to stories and talk to the baby in the mirror. But his favorite entertainment? This:
Can you believe we didn’t take a picture of just the four of us together since the hospital? Since I had both boys in nice sweaters (adorable, yes?) I had to take the chance before we bundled up to go to church. Sure, they are blurry and poorly lit and from the end of my arm, but they exist!
(More outtakes on my flickr stream, up on the right hand side)
All my pictures went into flickr, like usual. This is the highlights.
We arrived in GJ the afternoon of the 23rd. My other siblings were already there. The next day Grandma Cook flew into town. She got to meet her second great-grandson!
Brian came over to visit briefly.
Jack entertained us with a Christmas carol.
Then the middle generation went to see The Hobbit Part Deux. It was fun, but wacky, and even less like the book than the first one.
We came back from the movie to the traditional Christmas Even dinner – Chinese food!
Sam photo-bombed me and Ben.
Then we introduced Jack to the other Christmas Eve traditions: reading scriptures, reading Santa Mouse, setting out stockings and cookies and milk.
Surprisingly, we didn’t get going Christmas morning until after 7 AM. Sam and I were up for the usual feeding, and Ben was up with his usual Christmas antsy-ness. We roused Jack (easily) and sent him to gather the family.
Jack was most keen on Skylanders Swapforce this year. So we fired it up before opening much else.
Sam got a soft monkey and it’s perfect for his latest craze: putting fabric in his mouth. Om nom nom.
Andy and Amanda amazed us with their homemade presents. I got some beautiful art from both of them. Andy won most elaborate by making this vertical chess set for my Dad. The characters are all based on The Big Lebowski.
Meanwhile, Jack ate a croissant while playing his video game with one hand.
Sam got this play mat from Santa. He was immediately entranced:
Lucy got cuddles 🙂
Mom mulling spices with her laboratory spinner from Dad. Checking the temperatures with the laser gun I gave Andy.
The next day we opened presents from the Mason family. Sadly, they were without power due to the ice storm, so we waited until they were able to facetime to celebrate together. The boys got matching outfits.
But the runaway surprise winner was the pirate dagger and eyepatch.
Indulgent food, visiting, movies, games. That’s pretty much the week.
Ben and Jack went home Saturday as planned. I stayed with Sam a couple more days to wear out the sinus congestion. Even still, the drive home over the mountains was head-pounding. But the extra days meant more relaxing and baby helping. Amanda and I even went to see another movie – Saving Mr. Banks (meh. entertaining but not a real winner).
I was also glad to watch the Nutcracker one last time. I really love that ballet.
The dancing led to this. Enjoy!
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