Author: eaumaison (Page 81 of 207)

Come on! Again!

UntitledThe boys are STILL sick. Remember how last time I mentioned it, Jack was recovering from a cold in January?  But then he got a runny nose and the lingering cough worsened?  So I declared it a second cold at the end of February.

That was a couple weeks ago.  His cough died down enough to where I took the humidifier out of his room (I was tired of maintaining it).  He protested and claimed to still be sick.  I pooh poohed him and thrust him out the door to our play date at the park this morning.  When he fell asleep on the 10 minute drive home, snacks uneaten in his lap, I finally believed him.  He barely woke up enough to walk to the couch.  His temp was elevated at 99.4.  So that makes THREE overlapping colds?  For real?? (In Gob voice) Come on!!

Sam, meanwhile, has a worsening cough and stuffy nose.  Unfortunately I have had to wake him up from a few naps this week to get to outings relatively on time.  Poor guy seems tired all the time now.  Last night he had a terrible coughing fit at midnight and wouldn’t settle until I nursed him.  Then coughing and soothing again at 3, feeding at 5:30, then blessedly slept until 8.

Is it bad that I’m thrilled both of the sick boys are asleep right now – granting me time to eat a hot lunch and catch up on some work?  Do moms ever NOT feel guilty?

Jack’s imagination

First, Jack has been on a serious superhero kick.  Heavy emphasis on Spiderman.


He already liked the Avengers in toys and TV.  Then he got really into the Lego Marvel video game.  Then it became everything Spiderman.  Soap, undies, shirts, toys, he can’t get enough.

But what I love most is that he has started to make up his own superheroes.  Here’s his current team:

UntitledRinger Leader

Star Swiper

Pants Whipper (pictured)

Ninja Bubs

Dragon Ball (a bad guy)

He has described costumes, attack style, and upgrades for each.

Second, Jack had his last drama class today.  Family and friends got to attend to see what they have been up to.  It was cute, exactly what I expected for their age.  He had so much fun in this class.

Blowing up their acting-space balloons:

After they caught and swallowed their big-acting-voices, they each got to introduce themselves on the mic (you talk into it, but you cannot kiss it, Jack informed me).

Reviewing the story they will be acting out:

Getting into costumes:

Enjoying the show:



Back spasm

Friday after my birthday I woke up to my usual routine.  I fed Sam and then exercised in my room.  As I bent to pick up his pacifier my lower back had a spasm.  This has happened before.  I can remember four other times since I originally injured my lower back in a dance performance in high school.  Last time it spasmed was October, but it only lasted about a day.  This time I’m quite incapacitated. 

Lucky for me, Ben works at home on Fridays.  I had my phone with me and texted him to come upstairs because I couldn’t pick up Sam.  He half worked, half took care of the kids for the day.  The weekend had lots of fun plans that I had to cancel.  Monday he went back to work and I was well enough to carry Sam for short distances.  Heat pads, NSAIDs, and a tens unit have been my friends this week. 

Jack has another cold (runny nose, hacking cough) and Sam is teething ferociously.  We three make a sad scene this week. 

Today we are feeling a bit better.  Jack is in good spirits.  Sam seems content.  My back is improved.  Mornings are the worst for pain and I was able to send Ben to work at a normal time today, rather than keep him around to do all the lifting. 

I’m glad I’m done with dance rehearsals.  Saturday is the big double dress rehearsal day.  If I continue on this course I should be able to go as planned.  I don’t have to dance or demonstrate, but I need to be able to handle Sam for a full day in an uncomfortable high school auditorium.  Then on Sunday we are hosting an Oscars party.  I have a long to do list for that, so I had better get started slowly soon.

Today is my birthday!

Happy birthday to me!


Last weekend my parents and brother and sister in law came to visit, and we partially celebrated then.  It was fun and I was mucho spoiled with presents this year, especially from my husband.  Ben also took today off work – which I think is the best way to celebrate a birthday.  That way I had a low stress day with my family.  Everything I asked for was greeted with a “yes,” from bacon and eggs for breakfast, to rearranging my living room.

Now please enjoy this video of Sam splashing in his bath.  It has nothing to do with my birthday, except that he got a bath tonight.

Sam is Five Months Old!

Sam is Five Months Old

Sam is getting into the fun stage of babyhood.  He is happier more of the time and so curious about the world.  Last month he started solid foods, cut a tooth, and slept 11 hours straight for one night.

His sleep is generally good, but not consistent.  I put him down anytime between 7 and 9 pm dependent on previous nap times, dependent on the day’s activities for me and Jack.  He gets up usually once per night, between 4 and 6 am.  Sometimes he wakes up two times, starting as early as 2 am.  I can usually get him to settle back in bed until 7 am.  He doesn’t always go back to sleep, but he coos and plays by himself if he wrestles out of his swaddle.

He discovered his toes last month.  He loves to hold them when his legs are bare.

Sam is Five Months Old

He is learning to sit up.  He can do it, but not for more than a couple seconds.

Sam is Five Months Old

Sam is Five Months Old

He is a super cuddlebug.  I love it!  He would love to be held all day.  After burping him he rests his head on my shoulder and coos and chews his fingers. 

Sam is Five Months Old

Sam is Five Months Old

He loves fabric toys, his pacifiers, and his rattle.  But best of all is watching his brother.

Sam is Five Months Old
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