Let’s see. This week my oven broke when I was supposed to feed the missionaries dinner. I was able to make a stove top meal instead. Remember it broke last year? Then magically fixed itself? I went ahead and ordered a replacement circuit. Today the part arrived and it’s working perfectly again now. Maybe better. The old electric panel was always wacky (clock ran fast, button menu skipped steps).
I’ve been enjoying going to the gym. I go 4-5 times a week, doing either Zumba or elliptical+stretching+calisthenics. I really want to start lifting barbells. I looked into the Lift Strong 5×5 program, then started reading Starting Strength. Unfortunately my back pain has returned lately. I went to the chiropractor Monday and today. I’m hesitant to start lifting until the pain is gone. On the other hand, getting stronger will make my core stronger and prevent it returning. Grrr.
We tried to go to the gym tonight, but Sam had an amazing blowout in the car ride there. Down the pants, all over the car seat, and soiling Ben when he took him out of the car. Of course I didn’t have any diapers or wipes or spare outfits with me, so we turned around and went home. Just as well. After a bath and laundry, we had family movie night in the basement with popcorn and the projector. Sam was extra fussy. I put him to bed at 7 despite him napping late this afternoon. The poor guy was 99.6F. A little while ago he woke up cry at 103.6! The little dude has had so many fevers his first year! It breaks my heart. I hope he feels better in the morning.
That reminds me – Jack has been having weird urinary symptoms. He’s at the age where I probably shouldn’t detail his bathroom habits on a public forum, so I’ll just say that he’s doing better now. But if anyone else has experience with bladder spasms in little boys I’d like to discuss him with you. Preschool starts Tuesday. Fingers crossed that things continue to improve so he’s back to normal by then.
Oh, we went to Lakeside last weekend. Dang, I haven’t put those photos up yet. I hope I remember to do it later. It’s getting a bit late to edit and upload now.
Amanda and I are planning to take tap classes! We looked at different offerings across the western suburbs and metro area and found a couple to try that will fit our schedules. I ordered some shoes but they don’t fit great. I might have to take a trip down to Penny-Robin to try more shoes on and get them before class next week.
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