Author: eaumaison (Page 71 of 207)
Nothing special. Just a glimpse of typical lunches as Maison Mason.
Sam is not showing signs of walking like I expected by now. He cruises like a champ. He goes from sitting to squatting to a stand, and back down, without using his hands. But he still flops to the floor when I try to lead him around by the hand. Call it independence, I guess.
However, one thing he can do is CLIMB. Observe:
His favorite place to hang out in the kitchen. He has figured out how to get in and out all by himself. I think of it as a hobbit hole.
Below, I tucked this chair back in the table. He immediately pulled it out and mounted up.
Walking into the kitchen and seeing this below, I pulled out my camera, baffled that he managed to climb up on the step stool. Did I even leave the stool at the counter? Hmmm, maybe should move that knife. . .
For the record, I snapped this then lunged forward, catching him just as he stepped his left foot off the stool and into the air. (Note the previously removed burner knobs. That happened when we came back from preschool drop-off to the smell of burning rubber. SOMEONE had turned on the burner when a hot pad was on top. Jack denies it and I believe him. That leaves one suspect.)
In summary, thank you Grandma Betty for the new baby gate. Thank you very much indeed.
My grandma, Lois Cook, passed away Friday night. She had been in hospice care, so we were expecting it. But that doesn’t make it any less sad.
Lois was a quintessential grandmother. She was everything warm and happy and cozy to me. As I became an adult the visits to Layton became a lot less frequent. But I’m happy that my boys have both met her, even if they won’t remember her well. I love her and I look forward to celebrating her life with all my maternal family this weekend.
Today was our second tap class and it was so much fun! We both felt immense progress in one week, even without practicing at home. It was just a relief to know where the studio is, what the room and teacher look like, what the vocabulary is, and what the class structure will be. With all those stressors gone we could loosen up and enjoy tapping.
My falaps were rough the first week. My left side felt immobile – I couldn’t get it to do what I wanted! It’s like my brain and foot weren’t on speaking terms. This week my left foot was in a better mood and I could get the rhythm going.
We worked on the same combination at the end of class from the week before. I took a video so I could practice at home. You might enjoy it too, even if it isn’t a video about the boys being cute. 😉
Darn Amanda hid behind me the whole time, but you can watch her a little too. I totally biffed the shuffle ball change on the second run. But still, can you believe this was just our second class? Tap is so fun!
Sam’s birthday is coming up. I wanted to do a photo shoot and make nice cards for him, like I did for Jack’s party invites. After mulling over a party theme I decided to go simple – gardens. Flowers, plants, sort of a Beatrix Potter / Sam Gamgee theme. Then I decided I had to re-knit a sweater for Sam. I made him this one last year but he outgrew it before the weather turned cold. I unraveled it, bought a second skein, and spent the last week hurrying to knit it up. He had all those fevers in the meantime, so it’s just as well I waited. Then I had to visit two garden stores to find some decent flowers to stage the photo.
Finally today, with a beautifully overcast sky, I was ready to take some pictures.
Sam was not in the mood.
I was going to hide these. I shared them with Ben who was laughing so hard he had to share them with his office mate too. After reflection, I see how gloriously doofy they are. They need to be seen.
Oh, my beautiful child!
Ben is great about helping me get out away from the kids for some fun. This week Amanda and I ventured to a tap class. I’ve wanted to learn to tap since college. Now seemed like the perfect time to try. We did some research and decided to try TAPS professional studio in the Baker neighborhood of Denver.
I was not going to attend with friends until Trevor sent this reply to Brian’s invitation, that I hope he won’t mind me re-printing:
The City Market in Grand Junction used to have a video store. This video store was where I’d spend most of my time if I got pulled into grocery shopping. It wasn’t particularly large, so I’m not exaggerating when I say I think I saw everything that was worthwhile in that store, and knew where the videos were stocked better than the clerks. The Monster Squad was my favorite. From the box alone it had everything that would appeal to an eight year old boy: Wolfman, Frankenstein’s Monster, Dracula and a group of kids that saves the day. The problem was very often the video was absent behind that oh so alluring case.
Anyway, now you know why this meeting was sort of sweet.
My computer is back! I thought it would be tomorrow, but it came early. I went up to Flatirons as soon as the boys woke from naps.
My trackpad was acting wonky for about a week, then it stopped functioning all together. I took it in Friday and they shipped it out to the warehouse. Since I have Applecare on it they also replaced the battery, the logic board (?), two memory cards, as well as the trackpad. Hooray! I’m in tip-top shape again.
The previous post was re-edited after it failed to post correctly from my phone.
I have things to write about – school, date night, tap class, but my computer has been out for repairs. You’ll have to make due with this picture post.
At school they decorated drawings of shirts. I saw everyone else with paints, swirly rainbows of color, and even glued on bits of colored paper. Jack’s shirt? Well:
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