Author: eaumaison (Page 70 of 207)
October is the best!!!
Jack showed off the pumpkin he made for school. He pointed out the vampire teeth he added (clever!)
Today Jack and I made those delicious, delicious cookies. Jack has become such a helper in the kitchen. He did almost every step himself!
I’ve been working on this project off and on for two years now. This year I was determined to finish well before December.
Weeks ago the preschool sent out a play dough recipe in a newsletter saying that a sign-up sheet would follow, but it never came. Yesterday I saw a sign on the door “We need playdough!” Yesterday I was also sick.* I was crushed that I couldn’t fulfill the request immediately. Today when I brought in three batches (enough for 12 kids) they were thrilled, which made me happy. Seriously guys, I’m so mad that they won’t let me send in homemade treats for parties. I get it, I know why they must require all food items to have a label. But stillllll I wish I could baaaaaaake. Homemade play dough? You betcha! I will make all the play dough you want. Closest I can get to homemade cookies and cupcakes. (I wish I had an excuse to make these. The ingredients are patiently sitting in my pantry for when I cave.)
The recipe they provided was so easy. The result was soft, pliable, and smelled good. Much better than the usual “salt dough” recipe. This is my new favorite. I might have to make more for home use. Here are their instructions.
1 cup flour
1 Kool-Aid package
1⁄2 cup salt
1 cup water
1 Tablespoon oil
2 Teaspoons cream of tartar
I added a couple drops of food coloring to the yellow and blue to boost the color
1. Mix dry ingredients into a saucepan
2. Add water and oil
3. Cook until mixture forms a ball (about 1-2 minutes on medium heat)
4. Pour out on wax paper or board and knead (dumped on counter, kneaded until smooth, just a minute or so)
5. Store in air tight container
*For real sick: sore throat, stuffy nose and sinuses, tender skin, achy joints, throbbing head, and zero patience. It was not a good day. I slept during both Sam naps and worked very hard at resting instead of cleaning. I think it paid off because I feel much more functional today, even had a dance party with the boys.
Since school started we have had continual sickness in the house, just like last year. The pediatrician assures me that 1-3 viruses PER MONTH is totally normal for two kids with at least one of them in a school/day care environment. Each illness takes at least a week to run it’s course, multiply by 4 people, and you can understand how we are constantly sick. On the bright side, Jack can take better care of his nose this year, Sam sleeps much better than he did as a newborn infant, and I have resigned myself to constant sickness. Can’t crush your hopes if you never get them up in the first place!
I can’t help recording all this early walking. He’s improving so fast! I love the early, awkward stage so I’m trying to capture it.
This is a long clip of him fussing around (he’s sick, it’s late afternoon). Skip to 1:25 to see his mini-marathon. What a streak!
Then a little later with a snack in hand. How American!
Can you believe how fast he’s picking it up? Like riding a bike I guess. Unrelated topic: a video of the two boys enjoying Baby Groot.
Spoilers if you haven’t seen Guardians yet. This is from the very end during credits.
As mentioned, Sam loves to push his little car around. He can sort of fix bumps, but still cries in anger when he hits a blockade.
After a couple weeks of this he has started to walk! Just before he turned 1, I caught him taking little half-steps without assistance. Then I thought I saw full steps. On his birthday we had a couple two step sitings. This video is the day after his birthday.
And today, a day later, He took about 4-5 steps right in front of us!
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