Today is a classically bad day. Not quite awake yet, I reached above my head for a tissue to blow my congested nose. Instead, I knocked my iPad off the shelf and it landed square on the bridge of my nose. I cried out in pain and Ben leapt up to give me a bandage for the bleeding.
Author: eaumaison (Page 68 of 207)
For marshmallows! This years they are dark chocolate and cherry vanilla.
I also make soft chewy pumpkin chocolate chip cookies for the . . . fifth? time this fall? That recipe is a real winner. The occasion is our friends the Arcands coming over to play tonight. It’s so rare that we can get Jack and Nora together, but they love each other so. I’m curious if Sam and Henry will interact tonight.
Sam makes the weirdest noises. He’s grunter, happy or sad. He does this gruff, staccato laugh sometimes, usually in response to cute animals. Here we are browsing cute internet dog pictures.
When we were reading a book on kittens last week, his laugh sounded like we were reading dirty jokes. My baby is a coarse old man 😉
Frozen hopped, skipped, and jumped across the year. From release through the winter, DVD sales in the summer, Elsas galore at Halloween, and now Christmas tie-ins. Like Ben said, “Disney has ALL the money.” Probably true. Jack sang this non-stop for an hour, and started to add dance moves. I asked him to do it on tape.
The snowfall hasn’t stopped. We have about four inches now and it’s absolutely cold outside. Sam loves wearing boots and gloves because he could explore the snow more. Letting him walk to and from the building was impossible because he was so distracted. Jack immediately tried to throw a snowball at me. I deflected and scolded him. He pelted Sam with four before I got him to stop. Sam was having too much fun to care.
Sam has learned to blow his nose! This is the best thing for a parent with a sick kid. Unfortunately, he doesn’t do it anymore when I wipe his nose. No, he takes a tissue of his own, puts it on his cheek, and walks around huffing his nose, getting snot down his chin. It looks a lot like when he pretends to talk on toy phones, but he’s pretending to blow his nose instead. Hilarious AND gross. That sums up toddlers, doesn’t it?
Jack has a lot of aspirations. In order to help him when he is 20 and facing his future, I’m cataloging his ideas now.
- Teacher (like Aunt Amanda!)
- Farmer
- Computer Programmer (like Dad!)
- Doctor (like Grandpa!)
- Nurse (like Mom!)
- Baker
- Paperboy (like in Curious George!)
- Ikea Worker
He didn’t tell me where the last one came from. During breakfast this morning he announced that he wanted to work in that place where they wear blue and yellow and you get stuff for your house. Ikea, I offered? Yes, Ikea. I want to be an Ikea worker.
Finally we got our first snow of the season.
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