Author: eaumaison (Page 67 of 207)

Public Transit Adventure

Jason’s post about a faux German Christmas town gave me the craving too.  I researched but only found Denver’s Christkindl market.  It’s a little sad.  But it’s all we have, so I convinced the family to come.  To make it more exciting, we took the light rail into town and rode the 16th St shuttle to get to the market.  Denver has been expanding their light rail service over the last couple years but we had yet to try it out.

The train was definitely the highlight of the trip for the kids. 




The market was pretty and had the right kind of products for sale (beeswax ornaments, roasted nuts, giant pretzels, cuckoo clocks).  Jack was quickly fed up with the place when we refused to buy him an over-priced book “For Sam for Christmas.” 

We tucked into the covered pavilion to hear the brass band play, but Jack’s whining drove us out before we heard much. 

They had more fun playing out on the steps and listening to the violinist play, which eating giant pretzel. 

After a surprisingly calm lunch at the Corner Bakery across the street we reversed the train ride home.  We all had fun and we learned that Denver has changed a lot more than we thought it had.  We didn’t even recognize Union Station when we reached the end of the line.  I look forward to the Arvada Gold line opening so we can do this kind of trip more often from a closer station.

Pajama Day

Friday was the last day of school before Christmas.  Can you believe it?  Jack’s preschool had a party and pajama day to celebrate.  So. Much. Fun.

So much sugar, so much goofing around.



Sam’s babbling is starting to take form.  I keep meaning to report on his talking, but then I delay and he adds more and more skills!


As you know, he’s been saying “Mom” since I can remember him making any noise.  Over the summer he clearly said Mamama and Dadadada for each of us. 


Next, early this fall, he started using consistent sounds like Da for dog and Ba for sheep (baa baa they say) and ball, mum for nursing, that sort of thing.


This December he started saying “Day-doo” whenever it would be appropriate to say thank you.  So cute!  This week I asked if he was all done and did the usual sign.  He signed back along with “Al-da!”  That same day he signed his “please” and said “eez.” 

What a champ! 

Christmas playtime

Sam discovered there are packages under the tree.  He breached one before I could distract him. We’re going to have to move them somewhere else! 

I got the boys a simple wooden block nativity set they can play with. Today we were trying to round up all the pieces and we couldn’t find Joseph. Jack said “Well, I guess instead of a party for Jesus we will have a funeral for Joseph.”  Uhh.  I told him that wasn’t a very jolly solution and we should keep looking.


Just a quick jaunt over the mountains and back for the holiday this year.  Sadly, there were lots of sniffling noses and later some more serious viral illnesses.  But we made the most of it anyway. 

Got stuck on Vail pass for about 10 minutes.
Thanksgiving 2014

But we made it!  (I drove Sam and Ben drove Jack.  The boys were very good on both trips over and back.)
Thanksgiving 2014

We snuck out for a fancy dinner Wednesday sans kids.  I love doing that! 

Thanksgiving 2014

Jack snuggled up in elf jammies and a new dinosaur.  Sam discovered the fluffiest, most patient cat in the world.

Thanksgiving 2014

Thursday morning, getting dinner done!

Thanksgiving 2014

While the gentleman wage war.

Thanksgiving 2014

Carving the bird

Thanksgiving 2014

and rooting for scraps.

Thanksgiving 2014

Jack graduated this year to rolls and jelly and a touch of turkey.  A big improvement over last year’s pizza Thanksgiving dinner.  Do you see those deviled eggs?  I ate about a third of them over the week.  Mmmm.

Thanksgiving 2014

A trip to the “movie few-ter” with all the accoutrements to see Big Hero 6.

Thanksgiving 2014

Then a demonstration of his ninja moves in the parking lot.

Mustaches with Grandpa

Thanksgiving 2014

Again, the world’s most patient cat.

Thanksgiving 2014

I was surprised how much Jack watched and enjoyed the Pirates of Penzance.  Here is he standing on a footstool, fighting along with his sword.

Thanksgiving 2014

So tired. 

Thanksgiving 2014

Time to drive home, with the obligatory stop in Vail at Mickel Donnulls.

Thanksgiving 2014

December week happenings

Here’s a pro tip for all you: if you want to keep losing weight, don’t make homemade bread and then buy a jar of Nutella. Not a good idea.

The tree is decorated. The house lights are on. Presents are being bought and the boys are full of Christmas joy.  The family Christmas pictures are being printed. Ben’s work holiday dinner party was loads of fun. TV Christmas specials are being enjoyed. All in all it’s a great December so far!

I was in Sacrament meeting with Jack this morning when he started shivering and complaining of being cold and thirsty. After about half hour I decided he was really getting sick and took him home. Poor guy is tucked upstairs with a fever now. We went to whole four days with no one in the house being sick, it was glorious!  I hope it passes quickly and we can go back to Christmas joys.

Peter Pan

(I’m behind big time on posting on this blog. I haven’t uploaded Thanksgiving photos yet, so I’ve been holding off on posting. But sometimes you just have to skip ahead and write what’s on your mind NOW instead of waiting to do it in the proper order).

 Last night was the Live Peter Pan broadcast and I’m sort of sad I missed the beginning. I started late, only setting it to record when Ben started getting tweets about a pirate with a Star Wars tattoo.  (Christian Borle playing Smee, and Ben confirmed his left bicep.  We think it’s either a huge fan who included it, or a hint that he will be in the new movie.)    I stopped watching after 45 minutes so I can watch it later and fast forward the many many commercial breaks. 

This was so much much better than Sound of Music.  Although Allison Williams didn’t have the power and professionalism of her lost (and cast way too old) boys, she had the character nailed.  Christopher Walken was terrible.  Actually, I pretty much agree with this blogger’s take on it.  

But what really sold it for me was when Jack crept downstairs in his jammies, 30 minutes after we put him to bed.  He was cradling his puppy toy and peering around the Christmas tree, tentatively asking what we were watching.  I’m usually pretty strict about bedtimes, but the sight of him melted me.  I opened my arms to fold him in my lap and together we watched Peter Pan.  He LOVED the Disney show when he was 3.  He remembered a lot of it and asked lots of questions about new parts.  He was keen to see the pirates.  He honestly thought Pan could fly.  “I guess she can leap really really far” he explained when I asked him about her jumps.  When she stayed up and flipped upside down he was truly baffled.  Ben and I shared laughing eyes – the wires and harnesses so obvious to us.  But to Jack this was something magical.  When I finally insisted he go to bed I turned off the show so it wouldn’t be temptation for him, promising that he can finish it later.  I miss magic things. 

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