Author: eaumaison (Page 66 of 207)

Feeling Good

I was washing up in the kitchen, dancing to some tunes, and it dawned on me that I was happy.  Perfectly happy and content.  Whilst shaking my booty and scrubbing a pot I thought about why that is.

  • My family is loving and adorable and fun
  • My home is safe and big and clean and pretty
  • I get to stay home with my kids AND keep working
  • I get to teach fun high schoolers to dance
  • Naps and bedtimes are mostly reliable
  • Exercise and diet are back on after a holiday break; my body is thanking me for it
  • I’m playing with clothes and hair and make-up more than I used to and it makes me smile when I look in the mirror
  • Ben and I are going out on dates regularly
  • Ben and I get alone time together every night
  • We are going on a getaway trip to NYC; the planning is exciting

 And lots of other small things that add up to little smiles: fresh flowers in the home, Friday Jimmy John lunches, new furniture in the living room, a new phone on the way, comfy slippers and robe, playing with FitBit, I’m reading a good fantasy book (Mistborn), and on and on and on.

Sometimes I only write when things are wrong or crazy.  This is just to say that things are really really right. 




A sunny break

Today is unseasonably warm. Sam overslept, so his morning nap wouldn’t fit during preschool hours.  I decided to walk to school instead of driving to get Jack.  

They seemed to really enjoy it.  Jack is glad to be back in school and chatters incessantly about it.  Sam plays hard.  Despite the lack of nap and a tooth pushing up from its gumbed he’s still busy as a bee on the backyard.  I think they were sun deprived.

Mason Vacation

Betty and Rick came to visit for Ben’s birthday.  The boys were showered with attention and loved it.  I had free hands to do some deep cleaning, put away all the Christmas decorations, and put together some new furniture.  It was great!  I’m a little sad I missed the museum trip.  It looks like the kids had a blast.  We also hosted the big Mason get together for all of Ben’s aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Liz and Geoff were up from Australia with their kids Phillip and Katrice. 


Sam is an adventurous and playful eater.  I predicted that he will figure out how to blow bubbles in his milk and do all the other naughty things that kids do (that Jack never did) and then teach Jack how.

The VERY next day:


Today Ben gave Jack his first lesson in archery.  He is getting the hang of it, and the pictures are ADORABLE.
Explaining how to hold it.
Christmas 2014
Assisting his grip
Christmas 2014
Twang!  Look at the joy on his face.
Christmas 2014
His first shot! Gotta get the arrow.
Christmas 2014
A real look of determination now.
Christmas 2014
Love this.
Christmas 2014
Christmas 2014
I love how scrunched up broth their faces are.
Christmas 2014
All on his own now, no grip assistance from Dad!
Christmas 2014
Christmas 2014

Christmas Review

-Jack, repeatedly

Christmas Eve.  Pizza dinner, Brian joined us.  We watched the Muppet Christmas Carol while I did some last minute embroidery to label our $1.00 felt stockings. 
Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

The stockings are hung, milk and cookies in place.
Christmas 2014

Jack made this Santa over Thanksgiving break and told the Mall Santa that he was going to give it as a gift.  I helped him write a note so Santa would know to take it with him.  It reads “SANTA THIS CRAFT SANTA.” Of course the jolly elf left a thank you note with his empty plate in the morning.  
Christmas 2014

Christmas morning!  Sam woke at 6:30 per usual.  Jack was snoozing but quickly woke when we all went in his room.  The boys took a few seconds to figure out there piles, then dove in. 
Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Ben and Jack both received bows and arrows for Christmas. 
Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Sam tuckered out around 9 AM.  We put him down for a nap and finished opening all the presents.  Everyone was exceedingly generous this year.  Jack started to get frustrated with opening because he wanted to play each thing right away!

Ben and I cleaned and we all noshed on sweets and breads and fruit.  Snow started falling midday.  By the time Amanda, Mom, and Dad made it over the mountains we had heavy snowfall.  I’m glad they made it safely and had time to visit!  Of course they had gorgeous handmade projects to share. 

A nativity puzzle made by Mom.
Christmas 2014

A personalized family peek-a-boo book for Sam from Amanda.
Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

I made a shawl for Amanda, she made me a lovely tote. 
Christmas 2014

Sam and Jack both chugged their egg nog.
Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

We got to see them again this morning for brunch before they scooted off to their flight to NYC.  Jack FINALLY got to make snow angels in the yard. 
Christmas 2014

What a wonderful Christmas!

Primary Treats

Today was our last lesson with the 8-year-olds we teach in church Primary class.  We almost never bring treats so today’s cupcakes were extra special.  I brought in a sample Rudolph that they could copy . . . “or whatever.”  They went with “whatever.”  🙂


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