Author: eaumaison (Page 109 of 207)

Mother’s Day #2

As you saw, my parents came to visit this weekend. They will be gone for Jack’s birthday so he got to open some early presents. Then he opened our presents from Mothers’ Day, because that’s what moms do. My mom made this adorable apron for Jack to wear while baking. I love it! We put it to work and it did a great job.

This is the amazing breakfast Ben cooked for me (and everyone).  Thick cinnamon chip bread from Great Harvest, spread with Icelandic butter, bacon from Whole Foods, perfectly cooked (as close as you can get from a store to a) farm eggs with oregano, and a side of OJ and chocolate milk. 
 Jack bought me this grapefruit sugar scrub.  Seriously!  Ben was at the mall and he ran into the store and grabbed it off the shelf all on his own!  Hiding underneath is a Coldwater Creek Spa gift card for an “ultimate massage.”  Ben really spoils me on Mothers’ Day. 

Then in my new tradition of Mother’s Day portraits, I made Amanda and Mom pose with me.  We put Andy and Jenn on facetime too!

Here are my pictures with Jack.  It wasn’t easier than last year getting a good one.

The pictures are not our best, due to lazy Sunday dress, a boy who didn’t want to sit, and a cameraman who was ready to be done.  (No offense Ben!) I love them anyway, but I think I prefer the in action shots. 

Here’s Jack not wanting to let Grandma go home, which made it all the harder for her.  Then there’s me a Jack at Brasserie TenTen in Boulder.  I was holding him hostage after an attempt to dine and dash.

On the left is from Friday when Jack was in a super cuddly mood.  He has grown affectionate and likes to give hugs and kisses.  I welcome it, along with this short spell of cold weather.

On the right is from tonight: me walking with Jack and his new Kipper doll.  He barely put it down all day.  

Good time

Today started with a short day at work.  I had one smooth treatment in the morning, then some training seminars through the early afternoon.  I got home right after Jack woke up from his nap.  We ate navel oranges on the patio then walked to the park to chase robins.

Jack had been playing with my watch and dropped it somewhere in the park.  A little later Ben took Jem for another walk.  She used her beagle powers and found it easily in some tall grass.

Back at the house I grilled up the rib eye steak Ben had picked up at Edward’s Meats today.   It turned out PERFECT.    I transformed leftover hot dog buns into garlic bread and served up artichokes.


Then the pager went off.

 I told them I needed 15 minutes to enjoy my steak and then I hurried back to the city to change out a clotted CRRT system.  Oh, so you gave him platelets and a plasma transfusion and his dialysis lines clotted?  Just like that?  Yeah, that’s probably because you gave him platelets and plasma.  Now most of the platelets are sitting in the trash-can.  Seriously docs, let’s think this through! 

But it was a quickie call back and early in the evening, so I was eager to do it.  Because we alternate with a partner I’m #2 for having to go back in now.   I made it home in time to give Jack a bath and put him to bed.

Barely 2 years old and practicing his lady killer look.  This kid is great.

Back to work

Yup, they needed me. I had to go to the ICU for a patient with aspirin overdose. I hear that Jack woke after an hour with a fever again. Ben’s got it all under control now. 🙂

Work work knit knit

Sorry I’ve been busy lately. A lot of work and a lot of fun stuff at home. But mostly work.  Right now I should be at work, doing a fourth shift this week.  But Jack woke up in vomit with a fever (he had a fever last night too).  So I’m sticking around for a while to help Ben.  We got juice and crackers and gave him a bath.  I’ll probably go into work a little later this morning.  Right now he’s watching Curious George and trying to get some banana down.  He did well with his apple juice and Kipper earlier this morning.  His fever went away too.  Tylenol is awesome.

So here are some pictures from the fun times I had last week! 

 We weaned Jack off his pacifier last week.  Went cold turkey 8 days ago.  It breaks our hearts that he still cries when we put him down.  He used to be such a happy sleeper!  It’s like he mourns his pacifier every time he goes to sleep.  I wish he could understand why we are doing it, instead he probably thinks we are being mean.

Off tangent now, but my point was this: to celebrate his first night without his pacifier we baked together the next day.  He LOVES baking with me.  I set him up with a bowl, cups, spoons, some flour, and sprinkles.  I made pizza dough and cookies.  Those cookies didn’t last very long 🙂  The pizza was really good too.  Ben raved.  I made a pepperoni and roasted pepper pizza, and a veggie pizza with the peppers, asparagus, and feta cheese.


The yarn shop by my house had a little fleece festival.  We took Jack down to meet some lambs, goats, and alpacas!  He was scared at first but eventually fed them grass and got his fingers nibbled.  He’s into sheep, likes to say Baaa (probably because one of his shows is Shaun the Sheep).  It was fun letting him hear Baaa in real life! 

I went on a spinning spree after this.  I even took my wheel to craft night at Fancy Tiger earlier this week.  Mavi came with which was good because I’m horrible at small talk and meeting new people.  I’m teaching her to knit and she’s doing very well.

Last weekend I went to Sipping and Painting in the Highlands.  It’s one of those wine and painting places that are popping up all over Denver.  I, of course, had a caffeine-free diet Coke, because I’m a wild thing like that.  The painting was really fun!  Amanda, Brian, Mavi, and Angela came with me.  I like how different they call came out.  My only complaint is that the time went too fast!  I love that they ask zero clean up from us.  That might have been the best part.

So that: lots of knitting and West Wing, taking Jack to playgrounds, and going to work has constituted most of my time lately.

A full house of sick

Jack started it all with a seeping nose. Two days later Ben and I woke up feeling crappy. It's been 5 days of high tissue use now. I had to be on call all weekend. Glad that's over. We're too hot and lazy to take Jack to a park today, so I bundled up some toys and found a shady patch in a drainage ditch nearby. Tonight we are going out for pizza. It's a new place to us, where they are hosting a special geeks who drink quiz all about the works of Joss Whedon. Ben will stay for the quiz, I'll go home and resume knitting and sleeping.

Spring Sweater

I’m coming to terms with the fact that my blog has become a child bragging blog.  Not that I had much aim to begin with, but I did not foresee so much shameless adorableness flaunting.  You’ll have to suffer through these photos I took for Ravelry of Jack’s finished sweater. 
 I mean, he’s picking and sniffing a flower for goodness sake.  How can I NOT post these?
 He loves nothing more than running around outside.  Wait, maybe swimming more.  And ice cream.  But getting chased outside is in the top five. 
Cawing at a robin he chased up a tree:
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