Author: eaumaison (Page 105 of 207)


Out of no where Jack started pointing out backpacks to us and calling them by name.   He’s always been enamored with the body part “back,” pronouncing it “baugh-ck” with much reverence while patting his.

I hardly ever buy Jack toys or clothes, but couldn’t resist getting him his own. He picked out the puppy from the adorable Skip Hop line of animal designs.

It tickles me so to see my little guy trucking around in it. Especially because he gets off balance by the addition of one book. 🙂

I also can’t resist encouraging his verbal skills by these indulgences.  He seems to be on the slow end of normal.  Not delayed, consistently making progress, but behind most other two year olds we meet.  I kept waffling on whether to call Early Intervention for an evaluation, but he continued to make small steps on his own.  Looking back now I see that his vocabulary has vastly expanded this summer.  He’s more willing to try to mimic a word when we break it down for him and it’s not uncommon for him to say a two word phrase (with a little help). 

He said his first spontaneous sentence a few weeks ago.  We were at a playground all alone for an hour.  Some kids showed up and started climbing the tower– HIS tower.  Jack stamped his foot and said “No! Play! Out!”  I was at once filled with pride that he spoke multiple linked words and disappointment that he didn’t want to share.  Being a parent often gives me this strange mix of conflicting emotions. 

Still no purposeful “Mommy” since I posted he finally said it.  Once in a while he calls me “Bobby,” but not often.  I theorize that he knows it’s wrong so he doesn’t call me anything most of the time.  Don’t know why he can babble M-sounds but uses a B in words (“Bine!” is one such frequently used fervent and loud statement.)

Ten Years Strong

 Today is our tenth anniversary!  Crazy. 

We plan to really celebrate in about a month, after Ben graduates.  We are taking a trip to San Francisco with a stopover in GJ to drop Jack off with the grands (or “grampkees” as he says).  It will be our first trip away from our little guy.  As much as we love him, I’m looking forward to being solo for a long weekend. 

So I didn’t plan for our anniversary this week.  That’s how I ended up working today, and it’s the first of 3 shifts in a row (4.5 total for the week).  We got each other silly gifts in the morning.  Ben made sure to include daffodils and tin, the assigned gifts for tens year.

Tonight Ben picked up Fat Sully’s pizza, our new favorite.  The guy gave us a free salad to celebrate!  We ate it while watching Seinfeld.  I was in the mood for some retro TV. 

 I love you, Ben!

Boys and sticks

I had a staffer meeting this morning that took me away from church. I gave a presentation and it went really well.

When I got home Ben was babysitting Wolfie. Our friends had watched Jack last night so we could get dinner and a movie. Now they are seeing a matinee while we watch their kid. It's so nice to have a couple we can trade with.

Now that I was home we had enough hand to wrangle dog and toddlers out to the park. We are learning important lessons about hitting the ground and not t people


Three years of nursing plus one year of clinicals, and I got my first dirty needle stick last night.

It happened after working for 14.5 hours. I was cleaning up an apheresis treatment set-up. I had taken over the treatment from another nurse. He used a needle at a junction where I prefer to use a stopcock. He also used a needle without a safety device. Grrr.

I slipped while trying to detach it for disposal in the sharps bin. A little poke can generate a lot of hubbub and paperwork. They did a rapid HIV on te patient that came back negative. This morning I had blood draw at my occupational health clinic. My manager has been very helpful and supportive in figuring out all the paperwork. The patient had a hepatitis panel drawn earlier this month which was also negative, but they redrew for protocol.

I'm certain nothing will come of this. She's clean, I'm vaccinated, yada yada. But boy does it suck to get a needlestick. You can't help but feel super stressed.

I can't wait for this summer to end.

Saturday Night

Ben and I like to really cut loose after Jack goes to sleep.

Yup, it’s like party central in here.  Hopped up on Coke Zero and Chipotle, making yarn and playing a Batman video game.  We are positively RECKLESS!

Summer time at home

While Amanda is adventuring across the globe, she asked that I post more on my blog to appease her homesickness (which is mild, I’m sure).  I explained that I haven’t been having a great time with work lately, so I haven’t been in the mood.  But I guess I can conjure up some at home stuff to write about for my dear sister.

Jack is getting more confident and careless while running around.  We had some scrapes this week.

I’m trying to get him away from the TV more often.  They get addicted so soon!  We went to story time at the library yesterday and today.  I can see his little brain figuring out the routines and games involved.  He’s so shy, but already getting braver about participating.  He’s also better about not hitting other kids. 

I must be knitting too much.  I’ve had constant pain in my hands and forearms for over a week.  I try to take frequent breaks, stretching and resting my arms.  It’s no fun not being able to knit for hours like I want to!  Those on Ravelry can see I have a lot of projects in the works.  This is the first summer where I haven’t wanted to slow down my knitting. 

Today I’m making an effort not to knit at all and to minimize iPhone use, in case all that finger and thumb work is contributing too.  Sewing is not my best craft anymore.  I’m out of practice and impatient.  I know!  You would think knitting takes more patience.  But it takes so much more effort to set up a piece by sewing than knitting does.  You can pick up needles and yarn, start or stopping willy-nilly.  But sewing involves lots of space, planning, prepping, thread, pins, measuring, and cursing at the pattern because the marks NEVER line up for me.

I’ve had this great jersey stripe fabric for a while with a top from Burda in mind.  It came out a little boxy, but I think it will look nice with skinny jeans.  (I did iron it after taking these pictures.)

I didn’t bother to hem anything, so all the edges are raw.  The jersey won’t fray.  This was a simple project.  It took longer to sign in to buy the pdf, print, and tape it together than it did to cut and sew the actual shirt. 

So that’s life this week!   Oh, did you know you can buy bags of ice at McDonald’s for $1?  I send Ben to fetch once every couple days.  I like to have a giant cup of ice water with me all day long. 

Happy birthday Dad!  I hope we see you on Facetime tonight. 

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