Jack did a great job being part of the tech crew for the Fall Play – Murder on the Orient Express. They built an amazing set consisting of train cars on platforms that whirled around to show different views and compartments. He also helped with scene changes as part of the “shift crew.” This high school theater program demanded a lot of time after school. He worked diligently, even when he had to paint (he hates the artistic part but loves the wood-building part). The show opened on Halloween night and did three evening performances. It was a great way to meet new students and be a part of something bigger. He’s already considering applying for the spring musical, which starts in just a couple weeks!
The first pictures were taken by their photographer at a dress rehearsal. Then I got some bow pictures (poorly the first night – I was clumsy! plus more during the closing night director thanks). Last there are some post-show pics, coming out in the hall and at Denny’s with the crew (I wasn’t there). The last night they had a big cast party that Jack said was his first “real” party. It’s too bad theater is so much hard work for weeks, punctuated by only a couple days of high emotions and friendships 😀

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