Our last day didn’t give us much time. Our flight wasn’t until later in the day, but we needed to get to the airport via a long train ride that we had to specially reserve the night before. We don’t like to rush when we travel, so we took it easy this morning. Just some last minute conbini snacks and shopping at the local Don Quixote.

Ben was excited for another train ride, another chance to see the landscape.

I don’t have many more pictures of the journey home. We got to the Osaka airport and got lunch, using up the remainder on our train Pasmo cards. We flew Premium Economy to SFO and it was pretty comfy – not as good as business class, but I was able to sleep most of the way. In San Francisco I was ecstatic to see water bottle filling stations, and not so thrilled with the state of our country’s public toilets! Almost 24 hours after leaving our hotel we arrived back home to happy healthy kids and many great memories. I took a picture of all the souvenirs I brought home (wow! I did a lot of shopping!). It only took a couple days to get over our jetlag. I think completely flipping your day/night schedule is easier than the 6-8 change for Europe. It helped to have a long travel day that sort of resets your brain too. It was an amazing journey! It’s been very fun sifting through my photos to write these posts. I’m so happy we decided to take this vacation.

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