I’m a nurse again!! I got a job at a local hospital on their Orthopedic/Surgical/Trauma floor. I’m working PRN, so that should give me a lot of schedule flexibility after orientation is complete. I think it will be the best fit for our family. So far I’m feeling very positive about it. Applying, waiting, negotiating, and waiting for the job to start earlier this month was very stressful. Now that things are settled and I’m easing in, I’m very excited!
Last week was my first time on the clock. Monday was corporate orientation. T-Th was hospital-specific orientation and a LOT of computer training (I’m not even done! But I have a long time to get all the modules completed). Everyone I’ve met on my unit has been very nice and welcoming. The floor seems chill – a good fit for me these days. I’m looking forward to getting some solid med/surg experience. I spent a few hours following the PT, taking patients down the gym and talking about how nurses can coordinate and support their PT work. Late next week I’ll start my actual shift orientation with a preceptor. I’m looking forward to it!

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