We didn’t get to go to Seattle, so instead we celebrated a quiet 42nd birthday at home. Presents and cake, a classic combo.
There’s a Japanese bakery in Broomfield that makes Osechi, the traditional New Year’s meal eaten in Japan. I surprised Ben with a full osechi, to be eaten for 3 days at the New Year “so you don’t anger the gods by working in the kitchen.” Each element of the meal is highly symbolic and full of flavors that I hate, so Ben rarely gets to enjoy them! Fish, soy, mushrooms, burdock, blech. But he absolutely loved it. He told his penpals in Japan and they were shocked that he had an osechi, let alone that we even knew about them! Ben says his two penpals both eat a quick, small version of osechi for the holiday when they have the chance. It was so cool to share that with them, plus Ben really loved the food.
I made his favorite cake three years in row now – “Italian Cream Cake” with pecans and coconut.

Happy 42 years, Ben!
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