September 15 I had my hysterectomy, or officially, “laparoscopic robotic assisted total hysterectomy and salpingectomy.” The procedure went very smoothly, according to my surgeon. Recovery has also been going exactly as expected.

I have no memory between laying down on the operating table and waking up groggy in the PACU. I choked down the stale crackers so I could take some pain meds. My BP was low and my hemoglobin was low that morning too. Those are both normal for me and they weren’t too concerned. I think I took 4 hours to sleep, pee, and recover enough for Ben to come in and help me get home.

The first week was rough, as expected. I needed Ben to help me sit forward or stand up. My belly was very swollen and tender and I had terrible bladder spasms that had me crying in pain.
I had an outpouring of love from friends and family that made me so grateful and teary. Mom even came over to help cook and clean, until Andy’s positive covid test sent her back home to help him and keep us from catching it in case she had it too. It seriously made me so happy to have so many people sending gifts and well wishes.

By the end of Week 2 I was feeling a little more normal. I could walk a little more each day. I couldn’t sit up for very long, but I stopped napping and tried to be a little more active.
Week 3 is when I started to feel like myself again. I could drive again and I tried to do more of my normal activities at home. I could sit in normal couches and chairs, roll over in bed, and use the bathroom without too much pain.
Now I’m at the end of week 4 and I feel pretty close to normal. I stopped taking pain medication around the clock, now just 400 mg ibuprofen once a day if I need it. The weight gain from swelling is pretty much gone. I’ve been walking a lot, 3-4 miles sometimes. It’s the only exercise I’m allowed to do, so I’m trying to get the most out of it. I really miss yoga and dancing. If my doctor hadn’t strictly told me to wait until 6 weeks post-op, I would probably try a class this week. I’ll be good and wait, I promise!

Also, I stripped my dark hair color, put in highlights, and a color hair mask to make it light red. It turned out pretty good!

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