We started the day as early as we could with breakfast from the Hogan restaurant attached to the hotel. It was pretty good, but normal breakfast which the boys ate slowly while watching “Big Citiy Greens”.
We then headed out toward the Grand Canyon. It was very much desert until we started to climb toward the south rim of the Grand Canyon. First, it was a scrappy juniper forest which led us to our first view of the grand canyon at the Desert Point view area. There was a cool old tower, which was closed, but we did get to see a stunning view of the canyon. Seeing it in person triggers a minor vertigo response which makes it all the more amazing.

We continued along the entry road and the forest soon turned to ponderosa and lodgepole pine. We stopped a couple more view points, but then we noticed a watch tower in the distance. We looked it up on google and were once again led along a scary bumpy road, but it was much more tolerable than the road to the dinosaur tracks. We got to the tower and were surprised to see we could climb it! We all climbed up and it was really cool. It was really windy at the top and Jack discovered he was a bit scared of heights.

From there, we continued on to the visitor center and watched a short video about space for some reason :-D. Then we walked out to the main viewing point and I forced everyone to walk to the geology muesum about .7 miles along the rim trail. Sam was slow and grumpy, but we soon learned he had some blisters forming so he deserved to be slow and grumpy.

I walked back alone and brought the car around to the museum to pick everyone up. Then we headed back toward Cameron back in Navajo Nation. The boys seemed very tired and I was getting pretty tired too. We had lunch at Burger King for convenience and continued on to Page.
We got some ice cream from a local restaurant and enjoyed it at a park with disturbingly healthy grass. Then I wanted to see the lake, so we went to the Glenn canyon dam visitor center.

I was REALLY impressed with the dam and the view. I think it is the coolest thing I’ve seen so far on this trip!

We continued on through a very dry and boring piece of country to arrive in Kanab. It’s a delightful little town. We’re staying in a very retro and charming hotel.
They had closed the pool because of high winds during the day, but they opened it just for Sam. However, he swam for like 5 minutes. Luckily, my dad chatted to the innkeeper for about half an hour 😉 He recommended some great local restaurants, but I wasn’t able to actually order at any of them due to being put on seemingly unending hold, being closed early for fathers day weekend or not being able to make dinner for us until 8:45. So… I ordered… pizza hut.
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