I mentioned the musical briefly earlier, but I wanted to post just a little more.
It was such a joy to make and teach dance again this year! In 2020 we were working on Rock of Ages before everything shut down and the performances were canceled. 2021 there was no show. This year Amanda and Becca invited me to return to work with them on Bye Bye Birdie.
It’s a lot of work for little pay, but so much fun. I love to teach kids to dance. I love working with Amanda and Becca. I love coming to class and hearing “It’s Ms. Mason! Hi Ms. Mason!!” over and over. The kids are so excited to see me and I try to return their energy.
This year the kids did pretty good with dancing. I probably made the choreo too difficult, like usual, and I need to remember to scale back. I always wish I had more rehearsal time (and a mirrored studio)!
Here’s some in-action pics that a parent took during dress rehearsal:

And here are two songs I thought turned out the best:
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