The next morning I donned my tour hoodie and put on more music while packing up. I couldn’t leave without taking advantage of this large mirror to practice the Wave choreo!
By some amazing luck, our flight was mostly empty. We each got a row to ourselves to spread out and relax.

I felt so selfish going on this trip. For two years I’ve said no to most everything. We’ve been so careful and so sheltered. This trip was liberating on so many levels. Great to do something fun and adventurous. Great to travel. Great to spend time with Andy and Amanda. Great to see a concert. Great to get nerdy about my love for pop music dance. I’m so happy that I decided to indulge for once.
Like I said, so many things could have gone wrong. We or the group could have gotten sick and had to cancel. The European leg of their tour was postponed in January, so I was checking every day to hear if ours was canceled too. Then there’s the Colorado weather to maneuver. We had a big snow storm two days prior to the trip, and another one waiting for us the afternoon we came back. Either of those could have messed up the trip.
Instead everything was perfect. The only sad part was it coming to an end.

PS: I tested daily for 8 days after coming home, all negative for covid! Hooray for vaccines and masks!
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