We had a traditional, quiet Christmas Eve at home.
Jack and Sam put together this duet. They felt like this wasn’t their best performance, but the second take had a mistake, and then Sam was out of patience to film again. But I think they did great!
The men played a board game Eggnog and the Grinch M&Ms and a visiting kitty Playing on the Santa Tracker We ordered KFC to celebrate like the Japanese Checking the Santa tracker again Some snow fell off a car from the mountains, we declare this a white Christmas! Reading our Christmas story by Amanda
The kitties loved the nano hexbugs Sam got an RC car He was impressed! Ben was delighted too I got my puzzle on These kids are obsessed with cup noodles Not in the mood for pictures I made a rib roast beef for Christmas dinner. I didn’t bother with tablecloth and candles this year and no one seemed to mind. It was pretty darn yummy just the same.
Here’s a video of Sam discovering the power of the RC car.
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