As soon as I put our garden pumpkins on the mantle, she joined them. Tis the season for knitting and GBBO! Freddy loves a good box. We spotted a monarch as we left for school. It’s electric blanket season and the cats love it. I volunteered at the school book fair and browsed their kpop section. I made a pumpkin swirl cake, so good! Sam’s school had a field day. I forgot to put on sunscreen . . . Now they have matching mask-strap stripes on their necks (Jack eats lunch outdoors every day) I love every time I get to dress up and go to the dance studio! These new pants are super fun. The trees have been so glorious on our evening walks, I had to take a picture. I rarely take the kids shopping these days. I sent a photo to Ben and it reminded me of the olden days when I sent him baby-at-the-store pics. Picking out pumpkins. Trying to sew Halloween costumes. Freddy can’t resist. Letting Ben know his sweet sword arrived with a selfie. He wanted to cut down on the time it takes to get ready in the morning. I rejected his plan. I tried making some thai food at home. My pumpkin curry and these spring rolls turned out great! Resting their eyes while they hover nearby, waiting for treat time. The Masons sent a box of apples home. I made hand pies and applesauce. They love to use my apple peeler. Sam is efficient. Cutie in a castle. Sam’s “derpy” hair for school spirit week. Amanda’s classroom door was impressively decorated by her students! So. Many. Leaves. Halloween afternoon snuggles. A dinner pic I sent Ben while he was visiting GJ.
Did you know the kids sing a parody version of Smash Mouth’s All Star? It makes me happy to hear this. And old. I feel old.
(I think Sam hasn’t learned the chorus yet. I wonder how it goes.)
A cake I made to celebrate their vaccination Cookie dough ice cream and chocolate cake.
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