The single in-person social engagement I have maintained is my monthly book club. We tried zoom back in April, but conversation is not as spontaneous and fun. We decided to meet outdoors – always distanced and with masks.
I’m proud of my friends for our tenacity despite the Colorado cold. It paid off – five days after our November meeting one of us emailed to say she tested positive for covid (she tested 2 days after our meeting).
I took a test a 7 days after the exposure and it was negative – as I suspected it would be. Science works! Our precautions were all validated! (And she had a mild case and feels fine now, thank goodness.)
Last night we gathered again around a fire and talked until the snow thickened and chased us away. There were fewer of us than usual, but we still had a great time talking about the book and general chit chat.
The host’s husband took a photo of us to commemorate our crazy meeting. (We scooted the chairs together for the photo; we were in a circle around the fire until the end.)

Two socks, two pants, shirt, sweater, heated vest, down parka, arm warmers, heated gloves, scarf, hat, mask, thermos of mint tea, and three quilts.
Worth it for 1 1/2 hours with my friends.
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