Last Friday I had my follow-up visit with my doctor for a dressing change. I got to see his workmanship and it looks pretty good! Five stitches in each foot and Dad told me they were well-formed. I’ll refrain from posting a picture of my gore, but I’m happy to send it if you are curious. The new dressing is much lighter and more comfortable.
My doctor gave me “exercises” to do, which is to gently push each toe to maximum flex for a count of 10, then push it down for a count of 10, then repeat a total of 3 times. He said to do 3 times a day and acquiesced when I asked if I can do them more. I’m up to 5 times a day and it’s getting less scary to do them.
I’m doing a lot better this week. My feet no longer throb when I put them lower than my heart. The pain has changed from a generalized ouchiness to either a sharp incision pain, a needle-like stabbing on the underside of my toes, or a burning heat (if I stand too much). The pains are usually transient. I’ve been off the narcotic medication for several days, and am tapering down my ibuprofen and Tylenol doses. Ice still feels good, down to 4-5 times per day. Sleeping is more comfortable too, with my feet no longer shooting in pain suddenly if the blankets twist them oddly. It actually feels good to go to bed. I can walk down the block and back – albeit at a slow and awkward gait. I even tried driving today and it was no problem. (I still have to wear my rigid sandals whenever I am walking and I wear them to drive. They are legal to drive with, unlike a boot that mobilizes your ankle). I cooked dinner the last few nights too and have done some light cleaning.

My view most every hour.
The kids are officially done with school. Today I made a deal that I would let them do whatever they wanted all day and I wouldn’t pester them. No nagging to brush teeth, turn off the TV, eat vegetables, or anything. It was my idea of way to mark “summer break,” since they have been home from school for weeks already. Surprisingly (or not) they were dressed by 9:30 and played together most of the day. They’re really good kids. Jack played games, read books, cooked a frozen pizza for their lunch, and built legos. I think Sam only briefly looked away from cartoons or video games when he was eating. They both said it was a fun day.
We had to get a new dryer this week. It still tumbled but stopped blowing hot air. Perhaps if I was well I could have replaced the heating element of thermostat, but it was ancient anyway. We’ve had it for at least 15 years, and we got it second hand from a coworker who probably had it 5-10 years before that. The new dryer dries clothes. I did two loads. Whoop. Maybe it’s the isolation or the surgery recovery, but this was the most unexciting $500 purchase we’ve ever made. Adulting!
Things are starting to open up around town, but we are going to keep isolating for now. Jack’s piano school had the option to continue skype or go to the studio, and he agreed with me that we can keep it virtual a little longer. I’m planning a virtual birthday party for his 10th birthday next week. Tomorrow my book club is meeting in person! We are a small group (~6 usually) meeting in a backyard, going through an open side gate, all wearing masks, distancing, and bringing our own chairs. Seems like a low risk-high reward special occasion that I’m very much looking forward to. We also have another remote trivia Friday night! My social calendar is positively brimming! 😉

And two friends having babies this summer means I get to knit small, quick, lovely projects!
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