Some things we did last month:

I started a big cross stitch and Jack wanted to learn!

Mega tent fort

Cosplay and chocolate frogs to watch Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, which we finally finished reading aloud! We started in August. Sheesh. Good movie, but we liked the book better.

During Harry Potter, Sam and Ben had a movie fort night.

Sam’s art assignment to draw from the Met gallery.

Jack’s art assignment, he did a parody of Perseus.

Easter happened! Ben and the boys dyed eggs.

It snowed a lot Easter morning.

We kept finding eggs in the melt days later.

Animal Crossing fever has swept the house, and I’m the worst.

Sam is obsessed with drawing. At night I often find him clutching his pencil or laying on a spiral notebook.

Jack got a second pair of glasses. They look great too! He switches between them every few days.

Snow can’t stop Freddy!

Determined to enjoy the outdoors.

Hot chocolate and marshmallows after a cold recess.

Sunny days are scooter days.

Sam’s music teacher had them submit videos and pick music to set the mood. He returned Sam’s video and he was delighted with the result.

Reading time for school spent in the hammock.

We are planting a vegetable bed this season. The kids picked their seeds and planted starters.

The bed is ready and waiting for hail/snow season to pass before we transfer our starters.

The kids wanted to give Freddy a walk like Nimbus. I’m not sure he liked it.

The school staff had a neighborhood parade. We made a sign to celebrate.

It was really fun! The kids got big shout outs from their teachers who slowed down to call out their names and say hi. Big smiles all around.

Jack learned about tensegrity structures and figured out how to build one in LEGO by himself!

And lastly, an ongoing issue. Ugh. Nimbus has had tearing, squinty eyes for two months. It comes and goes and affects both eyes, one at a time. Is it allergies? A cold (she was sneezy for a week)? Her eosinophilic keratisis from December? It suddenly flared in one eye so I took her to the vet that afternoon – she got a corneal laceration! Totally unrelated to the ongoing squints. In fact, this photo is post injury. It’s her left eye that got cut, and yet she’s squinting the right eye!
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