Nimbus had a fun time picking up the kids from school with me.

This is how I kept the cats from messing with my knitting while it blocked overnight.

Sam had a session of swim classes and made some big improvements!

My parents came out for a fun weekend of eating and shopping and visiting. We love having family visit!

The Alamo theater had a fun photo spot for Onward.

The kids loved the movie. It was a bit too stressful for us grown-ups, but it had a lot of great laughs.

Playing Marvel Champions with the family.

The boys both had friends over to play after school on Monday. The cats were super jelly of the backyard time.

With my birthday money I bought some gorgeous yarn to make a sweater for myself. It’s bulky yarn on size 11 needles. Since this photo yesterday I’ve finished the body and started a sleeve. I love fast knits!
And, like everyone else, we are so sick of talking about the coronavirus. The schools announced they are closing and doing remote-learning from home. There are terrible rumors flying amongst the kids at school that I’ve been trying to squash. I’m actually really happy they are shutting down school and church and other gatherings BEFORE it got a strong foothold in our area. Our plans to watch a local high school’s performance of Spamalot tonight was canceled. We hope that tomorrow we can take the kids to the zoo – I figure it’s a wide open park that even on busy days doesn’t get too crowded. As long as places are open for business we are going to try to help the economy if it’s reasonably safe to do so. We have movie tickets to see Emma tomorrow night and a babysitter set up, we’ll see if the movie theater stays open too.
We talked to the kids a lot about the school closures and got chromebooks set up with their school accounts. Sam stayed on to play Prodigy (a math game) before going to bed. An hour later he dropped this note on me from the stairway:

School at home might be fun! I wonder if I finish math I can play prodigy? Just the COVID-19 makes us do school at home. Love Sam. P.S. I’m excited!
Well put. And yes, we will have fun, and you can play Prodigy.
That’s an awesome note! Sam’s writing is improving so quickly!