We had the pleasure of hosting Christmas for the Waterhouse family this year. It was so fun having everyone come to Denver to celebrate. Here’s a smattering of pictures from the end of the year. Sorry, they are totally out of order!

As room parent I planned and ran Jack’s class party.

I got to pop down the hall to say hi to Sam and his class party too.

Zoo Lights with the Waterhouses! It wasn’t too cold even!

So many presents . . .

Showing off school work.

Christmas morning, the kids tackled the biggest box under the tree. I packed a box-in-a-box five deep. They had to unwrap all of them to get to the tiny paper in the smallest box that said —

We’re going to Disneyland! Yes, we gifted ourselves a vacation in Disneyland later in January. Jack has been talking about nothing else since then.

Poor attempt at a group photo 🙂

Burgers with the fam on Christmas Eve.

More Zoo Lights!

A picture of Freddy in the Thai Dinner box was turned into this glorious ode to a meme.

A better group photo!

After Christmas, puzzles and classic Disney movies.

Ben tried out his new Japanese cooking pot.
Merry Christmas!
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