Saturday we celebrated Jack’s 9th birthday by playing mini-golf with friends! This was the first time we held the party away from the house, with a smaller group of friends. It was a total success! Adventure Golf gave us a wonderful experience.

I made the cake on Friday. Jack requested a chocolate cat-cake that looks like Freddy. The ears are made of Kit-Kat bars.

Dylan, Grady, Kingston, Jack, and Addie. Ruby joined us later in the clubhouse after her soccer game.

Ben took Sam and his friend, Elias, on another course at their own pace. They started tearing through the tees as soon as we started, so we decided everyone would be happier split up for a while.

There’s a volcano that erupts every 10 minutes. A few of us have never seen it, so the group decided to wait for eruption. They patiently waited 8 minutes for the big show. It was much bigger than I expected!

Jack was obviously impressed too.

After an hour of golf, we got to our reserved clubhouse. It had cable TV, a popcorn machine, a soda machine (UNLIMITED JUICE -Buster Bluth), and balloons all set up.

Our host brought pizza and utensils. I loved how hands-off the party was for me!

We had the clubhouse for 90 minutes, so I suggested we bring Jack’s Beyblades for a grand tournament. Most of them hadn’t played before and it was a fun diversion.
Cake time, and then presents and goodie bags were passed around. For the last half hour the kids took ice cream vouchers to concessions for a soft-serve treat, then played in the Mine Maze until parents arrived. No tears – even from Jack! It was a slam dunk party. (Especially with all the snow and rain this May, right up until Thursday we were wearing heavy coats! But Friday and Saturday were sunny and warm, just perfect).
Sam and Jack wanted to bring balloons home for the kitties. Freddy had a good time.
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