Month: February 2019 (Page 2 of 2)

The kids actually enjoyed helping around the house that morning.

Sam put his chameleon on the cat and commanded I take a picture.

Reading practice with Dad.

Maybe it’s the snow, but the kids have been really into forts lately.

I think Nimbus loves me.

Nimbus watches TV. I caught her following my mouse arrow. I looked for videos made for cats and there are many. I took some fun video of her chasing the imaginary animals, I might post it sometime.

Sam wanted to see The Kid Who Would Be King with us and Jack. Then a flaming skeleton knight unearthed himself and slashed at the kid. Sam noped out of there hard. The Alamo staff were really nice. They refunded our two tickets and let him finish lunch in the lobby. (Jack and Ben loved the movie.)

Trying a new hairstyle. It looks nice when he’s not being a goof. This piano recital outfit is his favorite to wear to church now.

We’ve had three decent snow storms in the last two weeks. This last one didn’t really affect Ben’s office up in Longmont, so he had me take a picture to “prove” we got snow down here. (They were just joshing, the roads were bad throughout Denver that day and they knew it.)

And when it snows, why not sit in it and read a book, or make a snow angel, or walk the cat?

That’s what these weirdos decided to do. Actually, for once, Sam is not the weirdo in the family.

We’re trying out Claw Caps because she won’t stop scratching Sam, and Sam won’t stop trying to treat her like a puppy. She tried to bite them off but about half have stayed on all week. She seems to tolerate them ok. It doesn’t slow her down with yarn ball chasing.
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