We woke up refreshed, ready for the lake. We raided the garage for boogie boards and sand pails.

The lake level was unusually high, so the free spots had no beach! We decided to pay for the sand access at Rendezvous Beach. The kids played happily. The water was pleasantly cool.

Lunch time means one thing at Bear Lake: LaBeau’s!

Sam has really expanded his culinary horizons this trip. In Wyoming he learned to appreciate mozzarella sticks, and in Utah he decided corn dogs and fry sauce are delicious! We’re going to push him in Idaho for their local delicacy: finger steaks.
After lunch we changed and repacked at the cabin. Our destination tonight was Burley, Idaho. Logan was a welcome stop of civilization. We drove around the temple (sam emerging from a Dramamine snooze to see).

We found another local specialty, the dirty soda shop. These are strangely all over Utah. I got a Diet Coke with lime and coconut and it was actually really good. I grabbed some Spudnuts (potato flour doughnuts) and drove on to the apex of our trip.

The Walkers! How we love and miss them! They are building their dream home here and face of us a tour of their hard work. I was happy to see our kids linked with theirs, exploring the farmland.
We had dinner at Taco Bandido, then came back to their place for a marshmallow roast. We attracted the local kitten family who were desperate for attention. I asked Jack and Azalea if they cats were kittypets or warriors, based on the definitions in the Warriors Cats books. They launched into a heated debate (Azalea says kittypets because she feeds them kibble when the neighbors leave, Jack says loners, an inbetweener cat, because they are linked to a home but do not have collars).

We talked, laughed, and meteors dashed overhead.
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