Earlier this month we got to see two of our friends get married. We met Shawn way back in the early 2000s, when we were doing Movie Saturday (blast from the past, here Shawn and I are onscreen together). Becca has become a fast new addition to our movie dates and Oscar nights (and getting my sister her new teaching position!) .
The wedding was totally gorgeous, at a barn in Evergreen. The night was especially fun as a reunion for many old friends! We don’t get together nearly as often as we should, so it was wonderful to catch up with these wonderful people.

Shawn and Becca are on the far right while her former students sing and swallows fly overhead.

Such Mountain Majesty!

Whoa, looking quite bedraggled. We are putting up with being outside in the summer as best we can.

The farm had animals all over, and RIGHT next to the reception, behind a fence was a pond with BISON! Freaking bison!

Mavi can’t stop grinning about the BISON!


Ah, so many fond faces!

We college pals had a primo table. Becca sang a lovely song for Shawn.

Time to say goodnight. From left to right: Ben, me, Neil, Jeff, Brion, Trevor, Cate, and Mavi.
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