Look at the cutest new cub scout in town!

Jack joined the pack fed by his elementary school, helping make the second-grader Wolf Den so large it split into two dens. Look at me throwing around terms like “pack” and “den” like a boy scout mom. 😉
They meet only a few times a month. So far they have played capture-the-flag (with real camo facepaint from the Army Surplus store), earned their “Running with the Pack” belt loop, and raced in the Raingutter Regatta.

So far scouting is a perfect fit for Jack. Outdoors activity (but NOT sports), leveling up, gear/badge collecting, rule-following, and education. He read his whole Wolf guidebook cover to cover the first night and knows all the answers in every meeting. I can’t help by hum Little Mary Sunshine when I see him in meetings.

“…He’s cheerful, honest, thrifty, and obedient;To love the good and hate the bad is his plan! So if there’s any danger you can be sure the Forest Ranger ever will march on man to man!”
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